One particular actor who has had a rather complicated, but fascinating career is Shia LaBeouf. He was once a beloved child star who started out on the Disney channel, then made a great transition to 2003’s Holes for his film debut. Heck, I’ve been watching him since his days on the Even Stevens show. His breakout role in Holes was my introduction to his film career and I’ve been paying attention to him ever since. Eventually, the man would become a great leading man in some big movies. The year of 2007 was pretty much his year, as he landed a leading role in the very underrated thriller Disturbia and of course, one of that summer’s biggest blockbusters, Michael Bay’s Transformers.

Credit: The Peanut Butter Falcon
Those days were the glory years of Shia LaBeouf. And then, somewhere down the line, the man began to lose his way. Sure, he was still landing some big roles, such as Jack Bondurant in 2012’s Lawless and Boyd Swan in 2014’s Fury. However, he was continuously getting into trouble in between projects and his behavior just kept getting more and more bizarre. All the Shia LaBeouf fans remember the notoriously famous incident when he attended the Berlin Film Festival wearing a brown paper bag over his head with the words, “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” written on it in huge letters. That was only the beginning of the wild controversies that would follow his name.
As time went on, controversy after controversy would fall on Shia LaBeouf and the future of his career was left in question. Towards the end of the 2010s, however, it looked like his career was going through a resurgence. After starring in and delivering stellar performances in back-to-back movies in Honey Boy and The Peanut Butter Falcon, it looked like Shia LaBeouf was getting his career back on track. But, who would have guessed it? The man would soon have even more controversies fall on him. From more arrests, to several abuse allegations, and a further struggle to land more significant movie roles, it looked like the time of Shia LaBeouf’s career was coming to an unceremonious end.
Speaking of movie roles, one of the most recent Shia LaBeouf controversies was recently brought back to our attention. Back in 2020, he was originally attached to star in the upcoming psychological thriller Don’t Worry, Darling. Unfortunately for him, he would go on to be fired by director Olivia Wilde for “inappropriate” behavior. Olivia Wilde herself reaffirmed this during an interview with Variety, where she basically said that Shia LaBeouf was difficult to work with in the nicest way possible. In other words, she subtly explained that he was a jerk without actually saying it. Based on her experience with him, she described that he brought a “combative” energy on set that not every actor and crew member felt comfortable with.
Based on his plethora of past transgressions and reports of his questionable worth ethic, it wouldn’t be too hard to believe Wilde’s claims. However, LaBeouf would deny this claim by saying he willingly chose to depart from the film. He would subsequently release a video that seemingly supported his claim, where Wilde supposedly assured the actor that she was still willing to work with him. This is certainly an odd situation for both Olivia Wilde and Shia LaBeouf, not to mention it adds on to all the drama surrounding Don’t Worry, Darling.

Credit: Transformers
Although LaBeouf did release a video that supposedly covered him, the controversy still doesn’t help him. When you look at his other controversies, this whole funky situation should be one of the more tame ones. That doesn’t matter, because all of it adds up and it could mean the end of his career. However, despite Hollywood having a reputation for being ruthlessly cutthroat, it has also shown that it can be forgiving to those who have made seemingly unforgivable mistakes.
One fine example is the fall and rise of Marvel superstar Robert Downey Jr. There was a time when the Iron Man actor was known only for his controversies and it looked like he would never get his career back on track. However, the man proved all the doubters wrong and dedicated himself to improving his health and getting his career back on track. And look where he is now. Robert Downey Jr. is a textbook example of someone who hit rock bottom and managed to find a way to climb back up and rebuild himself to become the best version he could possibly be. Can the same be done for Shia LaBeouf? If Robert Downey Jr. can lose his way and find his path again, then others certainly can.
I do believe Shia LaBeouf can have a similar comeback story. However, in order to begin that comeback, he has to be willing to face accountability and make amends for his past mistakes. And based on his most recent actions, it does look like he is doing exactly that. If you listen to him talk to former Fury co-star Jon Bernthal on his Real Ones podcast, you might actually be surprised. It was a long conversation between the two men where LaBeouf revealed many shocking details about his past transgressions. Jon Bernthal passed no judgment and listened to every revealing detail LaBeouf gave him.
If you’re a Shia LaBeouf fan, you need to watch the whole episode. The purpose of the conversation was that LaBeouf wanted to emphasize his desire to make amends to all the people he feels like he has wronged. Not only did he mention his former partners, who he did reveal that he has hurt, but also dropped some names of actors who he has worked with. This includes Vanessa Kirby and Tom Hardy, two fellow actors who he has admittedly wronged and explained why. One of the most notable people he mentioned was his very own father, who he falsely vilified during his press tour for Honey Boy. He would go on and explain to Jon Bernthal that he made amends with his father by helping him sober up.

Credit: Padre Pio
After listening to Shia LaBeouf talk on the podcast, it really does seem like this is more than just frivolous “soul-searching.” Despite all of his past mistakes, LaBeouf feels like his more enlightening experiences, including a new Alcoholics Anonymous program he attended, rediscovering his faith, and even becoming a father, humbled him. Does it erase his past transgressions? It doesn’t, but he has taken the first step of accepting responsibility and actually wanting to make amends. This could be the beginning of his comeback story and steer him back on the path he was once on. After all, who doesn’t love a good comeback story?
What are your thoughts, Shia LaBeouf fans? Do you think he can make a real comeback? Everyone deserves a chance at redemption, and so far, he seems to really want to pursue it. Only time will tell if he can really make the best of it.
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