5 Reasons Why the Latest Netflix Turkish Series, ‘Thank You, Next’, Is an Ode to The Realities of Dating in The 21st Century

In a time where a dinner date is too much to ask for from a potential partner, the Turkish show Thank You, Next is all too relatable. Dating in the 21st century is nothing short of a nightmare where romance has taken a backseat and finding love has become an endless pit of swiping left and right and forgettable one-night stands. With the new norms of ghosting and breadcrumbing, true love has become impossible to attain as individuals swim in a sea of uncertainty and a blissful lack of accountability. Genuine emotions and intent are void as chivalry turns in its grave, with romance not even a part of the à la carte. This article contains spoilers for Thank You, Next

Thank You, Next is a Turkish Netflix series that revolves around the love life of protagonist Leylan Taylan (Serenay Sarikaya), a lawyer who recently ended a seven-year-long relationship after her boyfriend Ömer (Metin Akdülger) cheated on her. Viewers watch her tackle the nuances of putting herself out there and experience modern-day dating in all its glory as she leans on her friends for support. Things get messy when the men in her life pull all the tricks in the book, and she finds herself perpetually confused about her feelings for them. The show premiered on Netflix on May 9, 2024, and explored the realities of dating in the 21st century. Let’s dive into it!

1. Thank You, Next Addresses Common Dating Patterns Like Ghosting and Benching

Serenay Sarikaya as Leyla Taylan in Thank You Next

With episode names like “#situationship” and “#lovebombing,” the Thank You, Next storyline poses no big surprises. The portrayal of Leylan getting ghosted by charismatic chef Seyyaz (Boran Kuzum) is both frustrating and impressive at the same time. After the most dreamy first date, where he touched her soul, course after course with mouthwatering food and expensive wine, viewers were rooting for him to be the band-aid that would heal her wounds. Alas! If only it were that simple. The f-boy chef was seen hitting on different women simultaneously while sweet-talking his way back into Leylan’s life to quench his thirst on lonesome nights, keeping alternatives in tow if she wasn’t game — aka benching. 

2. The Stark Existence of Commitment Phobia Is Painfully Relatable

Leyla by Serenay Sarikaya and Ömer by Metin Akdülger in Thank You Next

The current dating scenario is an unhinged jungle of commitment-phobic individuals who seek the perks of a relationship without the promise of something meaningful in return, much like Seyyaz and Ömer, who play a convenient game of ping-pong with Leylan, leaving her in deep distress on multiple occasions. She often drowns her sorrows in bottles of wine over the frustrating mess that is her personal life, while her dog Buddy earnestly waits at home to be her fluffy shoulder to cry on. Although it was deeply refreshing to see Leylan’s colleague and friend Sarp (Ahmet Rıfat Şungar) jump at the first opportunity to marry his girlfriend — the world needs more men like him!

3. The Portrayal of the Frustrations Women Face in Modern-Day Dating Is Surprisingly Accurate

Cem played (Hakan Kurtas) and Leyla (Serenay Sarikaya) in Thank You, Next

Even social media feeds are now constantly flooded with posts and TikToks about figuring out what goes on in a man’s mind while women struggle to figure out what their intentions are. Courting has become more similar to a game of chess with a ruthless power play on who will forfeit first. Thank You, Next does a fabulous job at bringing to light the frustrations that uncertainty brings. 

Especially in moments when Leylan mulls over the sudden disappearance of Seyyan or while she’s figuring out if Ömer is cheating on her yet again. The persistent gaslighting and love-bombing by Ömer are particularly enraging. However, it is only when he goes to the extent of suing Leylan for the custody of Buddy that makes viewers want to reach through the screen and give him a good shake! 

4. The Attraction Towards the Bad News Playboy Is Mildly Frustrating yet Realistic

Serenay Sarikaya as Leyla Taylan in Thank You Next

Is the rich casanova with three divorces up his sleeve bad news? Yes. But does that stop one from finding him uncontrollably attractive? Not in the least. Cem Murathan (Hakan Kurtaş) and Leylan first cross paths when she serves as the divorce attorney to his third wife. Right off the bat, the two had a sizzling chemistry, with viewers unexpectedly rooting for their union. Although deemed a narcissist, the prevalent chivalry and sex appeal make Cem the more favorable suitor of the three men in Leylan’s life. 

The nonchalant delivery of heart-melting dialogues, respectful invasion of personal space, and flirty grins can be compared to real-life encounters with playboys, making Cem a profoundly realistic character. A man possessing the three R’s — ripped, rich, and radiant — it’s no wonder he had the lawyer making questionable decisions time and time again! 

5. The Nuanced Emotions Involved While Dealing With Infidelity Were Captured Tastefully

Leyla (Serenay Sarikaya) and Cem (Hakan Kurtas) in Thank You, Next

While “once a cheater, always a cheater” is an ancient slogan at this point, Thank You, Next captures instances that open viewers’ eyes to the effects of infidelity on a person. The series portrays the contrasting ways in which Leylan and her mother respond to their partners being unfaithful. While Leylan goes with her approach of walking away from her partner of seven years, her mother chooses to stay and make her marriage work. 

After all, it is easy to sit back and judge someone for forgiving an unfaithful partner, but the show highlights different stages of grief that uncover a different point of view of those on the receiving end of this betrayal. Viewers get a taste of how complex emotions can be and how some situations cannot be deemed black or white. Of course, the way the men reacted upon getting caught also plays a significant role in how the repercussions of infidelity unfurl. While Leylan’s father was deeply regretful, Ömer put up a defensive front that starkly represented the generational difference prevalent in how relationships are perceived and respected. Also, check out this guide on 5 highly-rated movies on IMDB that critics hated.

Watch Thank You, Next on Netflix

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