The Biggest Questions House Of The Dragon Season 2 Could Answer

HBO’s House of the Dragon season 1 proved to be one of the best shows of 2022. With the success of Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon had big shoes to fill, especially as it was intended as a prequel. HOTD season 1, set in a timeline about 197 years before the Game of Thrones, showcases the events leading to Westeros’ Civil War, the Dance of the Dragon.

Besides its jaw-dropping scenes and plots, House of the Dragon season 1 left viewers with several cliffhangers. Season 1’s ending scene was undoubtedly one of the best season finales anyone could have hoped for. However, it left viewers with several unanswered questions. These are the biggest questions House of the Dragon season 2 could answer.

1. Will Rhaenyra & Daemon Get Revenge On Prince Aemond?

Prince Aemond in House of the Dragon

One of the gut-wrenching scenes in HOTD season 1 was the death of Prince Lucerys, Rhaenyra’s second son. It’s as much sorrowful as it is annoying, especially as it’s one death that could easily have been avoided. Season 1 ends with Rhaenyra learning of her son’s death. And for the first time, an enraged Rhaenyra is ready for war.

The last time viewers saw a mother seeking revenge for an action done to her son, the tables were turned – Queen Alicent demanded Lucerys’ eye for what he did to her son Aemond. With the Dance of the Dragon inevitable at this point, audiences will be looking to see if Rhaenyra, especially Daemon, will have personal revenge on Prince Aemond. Most viewers will agree Prince Aemond has had it coming with his unrelenting bullying of Rhaenyra’s children.

2. Who Will Ride Vermithor After Prince Daemon Wakes It Up?

Daemon awakens Vermithor in House of the Dragon

In House of the Dragon season 1, episode 10, Daemon goes deeper into the mountain, singing a high Valyrian song that awakens a big Dragon. From the size of the Dragon’s head in relation to Daemon’s size, it is undoubtedly one of the biggest Dragons seen in HOTD season 1. With Prince Aemond as Vhagar’s rider, waking up Vermithor evens the playing field for House Black, teasing the introduction of new Dragons in House of the Dragon season 2.

For an uninitiated audience, there would seem to be a slew of Dragons in Westeros. However, Vermithor is riderless in HOTD season 1 for one reason, albeit unmentioned. Just as Vhagar laid riderless after the death of Princess Laena Velaryon (Daemon’s wife) and later claimed by Prince Aemond, Vermithor withdrew into a Dragonstone cavern after the death of his last rider, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen – the King before Viserys Targaryen. With Vermithor awake, he’ll get a new rider. While his new rider is known to readers of George R. R. Martin novels, with no spoilers intended, it becomes one of the biggest questions to be answered in HOTD season 2.

3. Will Ser Criston Cole Die In House Of The Dragon Season 2?

Ser Criston Cole in House of the Dragon

Audiences watched Ser Criston Cole transition from Rhaenyra’s trusted Knight to lover to sworn enemy. With most HOTD season 1 audience rooting for Rhaenyra, Ser Cole makes the list of characters whose death viewers long to see. However, Ser Cole’s loyalty is one that can never be questioned. He continues serving Queen Alicent with the same zeal and tenacity as he did Rhaenyra. Yet, his senseless violence and deaths are becoming a cause of worry. One such death is killing Lord Lyman Beesbury in episode 9. Obviously, this senseless killing has little to do with Ser Cole’s loyalty to Queen Alicent and House Green but his hatred for anything Rhaenyra. Lord Beesbury was the only one on the table to speak in favor of Rhaenyra. With no consequence for his actions, Ser Criston Cole‘s death will undoubtedly be an audience favorite.

4. What’s Lord Larys Strong Endgame With Queen Alicent?

Queen Alicent and Larys Strong

As far as villainy goes, Lord Larys Strong has proven he holds no loyalty to anyone but himself and his ambitions. A man who willingly sacrificed his father and older brother to curry favor with Queen Alicent is all shades of danger. Although House of the Dragon season 1 saw him get unrestricted access to Queen Alicent, it’s inconceivable that his only desire is to satisfy his foot fetish with Alicent’s feet. Larys’ true intentions are one of the unanswered questions viewers would seek closure with in season 2.

5. Will Ser Laenor Velaryon Return In Season 2?

Ser Laenor Velaryon in House of the Dragon

Ser Laenor Velaryon is one of the characters who truly deserved better in House of the Dragon season 1. His departure from Westeros to live freely with his lover in Essos is unbecoming of an heir to a powerful Westerosi House and Prince Consort. Not only did Laenor abandon his duty and House, but he also left his Dragon Seasmoke. With House Black needing alliances and Dragons to have an advantage in the Civil War, it would make sense for Laenor to make a shocking return. Laenor’s death was significantly changed from its Fire & Blood-based novel, giving showrunners leeway to bring back the character.

6. Whose Side Does House Stark, House Baratheon, And House Arryn Side With In Season 2?

Borros Baratheon in House of the Dragon

After Corlys pledged House Velaryon’s allegiance to Rhaenyra, Rhaenyra sought to fortify her claim to the Iron Throne by gaining more allies. Rhaenyra’s interest is in House Stark, Baratheon, and Arryn. House Stark and House Arryns’ position isn’t shown in season 1. Viewers will be looking to know which side these powerful Houses will ally. Lord Borros of House Baratheon already showed where his allegiance might go after King Aegon II offered a marriage alliance between Prince Aemond and his daughter, and Rhaenyra offered nothing. However, with Lucerys’ death after his visit to House Baratheon, there’s no telling if it’ll change Borros’ mind. What is certain is House of the Dragon season 2 will have its fair share of betrayals and new alliances.

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