The fast-paced world of Showtime drama, Billions, has left us at the edge of our seats countless of times. The drama series revolves around the opposing world of corporations and lawmakers. It used to follow hedge fund king, Bobby “Axe” Axelrod, portrayed by Damian Lewis (Homeland), a billionaire whose financial pursuits are being cracked down by then-United States Attorney, Chuck Rhoades, portrayed by Paul Giamatti (John Adams). The storyline is ever-evolving, viewers don’t know what is going to hit them next. The series has also featured a lot of memorable guest stars from different fields. The show thrives on unpredictability, and this can be seen in the celebrities who have graced their presence. Here are the five most memorable celebrity cameos on Billions, in no particular order:
5. Mark Cuban
The billionaire entrepreneur guested a few times on the show in the earlier seasons as himself. It made the story arc more believable and added more flair to the scrupulous world of billionaires that is closely followed on the show. His interactions with Axe made us feel as if they were acquaintances who regularly rubbed elbows, making the scene feel more natural. The show’s creators also made it a point to include self-made billionaires, like Cuban, in the storyline to add to their “continuous research” that follows billionaires’ habits, routines, and worldviews. Other billionaires who have guested on the show include venture capitalist. Chris Sacca, Spanx founder, Sara Blakely, and New York Giants chairman, Steven Tisch.
4. Rick Hoffman
The actor is best known for his role as corporate attorney and managing partner, Louis Litt, in the legal drama, Suits. This time around, the actor portrays the eccentric role of Dr. Swerdlow, a sketchy medical professional who practices his profession through unorthodox methods. Dr. Swerdlow crossed paths with Chuck during the time where Chuck’s father, Chuck Rhoades Sr., portrayed by Jeffrey DeMunn (The Walking Dead), was badly in need of a kidney donor. Hoffman handles the character humorously, as he presents himself as the “good doctor” who is not after the money. We look forward to the episodes where he suddenly makes a random guest appearance.
3. Daniel Boulud
Who could imagine a how an highly acclaimed and multi-awarded chef, such as Daniel Boulud, could be incorporated into the Billions storyline? The French chef and restauranteur portrayed himself in the series, as he whips up delectable dishes for the series’ upper classmen. Adding elements, such as Boulud’s guest appearances, only goes to show how far the show’s creators would go to portray the lavish lifestyle that is depicted in more ways than one. We actually treat the unforeseen cameos like Boulud’s as a welcome surprise. It is a treat for the senses and a mouth-watering addition to the series.
2. Becky Lynch
Another surprise and unexpected cameo happened when WWE superstar, Becky Lynch, guested as herself on the show, as a way to boost the morale of the employees of Axe’s hedge fund, Axe Capital. Lynch did not hold back in showing some of her badass moves, as she worked with the show’s performance coach, Wendy Rhoades, portrayed by Maggie Siff (Sons of Anarchy) to perform an entertaining skit to catch the employees’ attention. Lynch was as cool as a cucumber in her portrayal and seemed as ease during her guest appearance. The series is also known for its unique references and fiery comebacks. It’s no surprise that the WWE made it to the list of topics that would pique the interest of the series’ characters.
1. Julianna Margulies
The actress is no stranger to long-running television dramas. She has been part of ER, the longest-running medical drama, as well as the legal drama, The Good Wife. Marguilies’ versatility as an actress has been tried and tested, and it was no surprise that she fit right in the Billions mold. She portrayed the role of Catherine Brant, an accomplished woman who was an Ivy League sociology professor, as well as a best-selling author, who momentarily dates Chuck after he splits up with Wendy. Margulies created wholesome chemistry with Giamatti, as both of their characters were quick-witted and highly intelligent. Their romance may have been short-lived, but it added spice to the storyline by creating more tension between Wendy and Chuck, as they come to terms with their crumbling marriage. Viewers who were still rooting for Wendy and Chuck might even find it hard to hate on Catherine, as she was a no-nonsense character who stuck to her morals even when the going gets tough.
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