My Hero Academia Review: What A Twist!
How will our young heroes fair in the final moments of the battle at the training camp, and what exactly are the villains' intents?
How will our young heroes fair in the final moments of the battle at the training camp, and what exactly are the villains' intents?
After the devastating events of last week's episode, Sousuke finds himself in a new location with some new, interesting allies.
Richard and Pied Piper deal with an all out internet war and receive a rare win in the season 5 finale of "Silicon Valley"
Everything the young heroes have learned up until now is tested in this week's "My Hero Academia."
Richard and Pied Piper tackle crypto-currency, pyramid schemes, and secret, shady dealings.
This week's episode of "My Hero Academia" gave us a look at just how heroic the students of UA can be as the League of Villains unleashes chaos upon the train
After growing so close, Sousuke and Kaname are forced apart by heartbreaking forces in this week's "Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory"
Can Richard get his s@#! together for once? Probably not.
Evil Dead and Ash Williams take a final, explosive bow in the series finale of "Ash Vs. Evil Dead"