6 Katherine Heigl Romances You Need To Add To Your Watchlist

The golden girl of the early 2000s, Katherine Heigl, was the reigning queen of rom-coms. The uptight, perfect-girl character with a soft heart almost came naturally to her as she portrayed different versions of the same character in a handful of beloved cult classics. The opposites-attract trope is heavily prevalent in most Heigl-starrer romances, and that makes her roles highly relatable for the audience. 

Heigl is best known for her role as Izzie Stevens on Grey’s Anatomy, for which she won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series in 2007. The actress has starred in a colorful variety of movies and even appeared in the last two seasons of legal drama Suits. She was also recently seen playing Tully Hart on the popular Netflix series Firefly Lane and served as the show’s executive producer as well! Although Heigl has come a long way, her romance movies have always had a special place in her audience’s hearts. So here’s a list of six Heigl-starrer rom-coms for a nice hit of feel-good nostalgia! 

1. The Ugly Truth (2009)

Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) in 'The Ugly Truth'

The Ugly Truth takes the cake and is number one on our list. This movie is a classic that die-hard romantics have rewatched countless times because of its feel-good value and upbeat storyline. The banter and sizzling chemistry between the main leads has viewers rooting for them from the get-go. 

The film revolves around an uptight TV producer Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl), who takes the help of playboy and romance-averse Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler) to help nab her gorgeous next-door neighbor Colin (Eric Winter), who also happens to be a doctor to boot! Following the classic enemies-to-lovers trope, The Ugly Truth is a real knee-slapping entertainer all about having a good time! 

Watch The Ugly Truth on Netflix

2. 27 Dresses (2008)

Jane (Katherine Heigl) in "The Ugly Truth"

No one wants to be the trusty sidekick or the fun third wheel. One wants to be the main character in their own story and end up with the prince rather than watching from the sidelines as others live out their dreams. So the number two on our list is 27 Dresses which takes viewers through the life of Jane (Heigl), who has served as a bridesmaid at 27 weddings. Things take an unexpected turn when her sister Tess (Malin Maria) whisks away the man she’s been in love with from right under her nose and dares to ask her to serve as her bridesmaid. 

During this time, Jane happens upon cynical journalist Kevin Doyle (James Marsden), who offers her a helping hand — while garnering a hidden agenda. Viewers also see Heigl ditch her signature blonde look for a refreshing chestnut brunette. The sizzling chemistry between Marsden and Heigl and the hottest rendezvous in a car make 27 Dresses a must-watch.

Watch 27 Dresses on Disney+

3. Life As We Know It (2010)

Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) in "The Life As We Know It"

Third on this list is one for the books — and warrants a couple of tissues! Be it in the present or ten years down the line, Life As We Know It will always leave viewers feeling fuzzy on the inside. Who knew the perfect antidote to tame the player-boy is to thrust the responsibility of a baby into his life, and things would fall right into place?

The film kicks off with Holly Berenson (Heigl) and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel), who are set up on a blind date by their mutual friends, but things are less than ideal as the date goes downhill real quickly. But as life would have it, the sudden death of their best friends leads them to care for their orphaned child, Sophie. A wholesome movie that will get viewers in their feels, with the most adorable bouts of baby cuteness and swoon-worthy professions of love, Life As We Know It is the ideal PMS binge!

Watch Life As We Know It on Prime Video

4. The Big Wedding (2013)

Lyla Griffin (Katherine Heigl) in 'The Big Wedding'

Boasting an impressive star cast, The Big Wedding is a feel-good romcom perfect for a family movie night and has made it to the number four spot on our list. The movie’s plot revolves around a long-time divorced couple, Don (Robert De Niro) and Ellie Griffin (Diane Keaton), who come together in the home they built to celebrate the wedding of their adoptive son, Alejandro. The movie features Katherine Heigl and Topher Grace as the couple’s biological children, who are struggling with their love lives, and Ben Barnes plays the role of their adoptive son, Alejandro. 

All’s well until Alejandro reveals that Don and Ellie need to fake being a happily married couple, as his biological mother is also in attendance and is deeply conservative. The ensuing events portray the chaotic bunch in hilariously awkward situations as the plot takes viewers through the oddly dysfunctional family dealing with previously incurred wounds. The movie also stars Amanda Seyfried, Susan Sarandon, and Robin Williams.

Watch The Big Wedding on Prime Video

5. Knocked Up (2007)

Alison (Katherine Heigl) in 'The Knocked Up'

One-night stands are that wild adventure that good girls embark on to stray away from their usual taste in men of surgeons and finance. But they don’t expect to get knocked up and have to deal with a guy far from being their type. Fifth on our list, Knocked Up is the story of recently promoted TV host Alison (Heigl) and jobless slacker Ben (Seth Rogen), who have a one-night stand.

Unfortunately for Alison, she ends up getting pregnant and has to face the reality of the possibility of embarking on this journey with Ben. Directed by Judd Apatow, Knocked Up is a rom-com that will leave viewers in stitches! The movie also stars Leslie Mann and Paul Rudd in supporting roles, with the movie This Is 40 serving as a “sort-of sequel” based on their characters.

Watch Knocked Up on Prime Video

6. Jenny’s Wedding (2015)

katherine Heigl as Jenny in 'Jennys Wedding'

If you thought Katherine Heigl hadn’t done it all, think again! Jenny’s Wedding is a movie that explores themes of being in an LGBTQ+ relationship and how coming out to one’s parents can be a challenging and deeply emotional experience. Starring Heigl and Gilmore Girls fame Alexis Bledel in titular roles, Jenny’s Wedding is a movie that dives deep into how one’s sexual orientation can damage familial relationships and bring conflict, with everyone picking sides. 

The film revolves around Jenny Farrel (Heigl), who has been in a five-year-long relationship with Kitty, whom she has presented to her conservative Catholic family as her roommate. Their impending nuptials, however, force Jenny to come clean eventually. The movie is a refreshing take on typical Heigl romcoms — an emotional journey that has viewers question the genuine emotions of dealing with parental disapproval of one’s sexual orientation. Also, see how Heigl’s career choices might have tarnished her legacy.

Watch Jenny’s Wedding on Prime Video

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