So, Officer Dad is no longer the Captain at the 99th precinct. After a cold open that showcases Jake being assigned as the lead of a manhunt after an assassination attempt, Holt and Peralta get to work together again, but with Jake being Holt’s boss. The season seven opener explored the dynamic between Holt and Peralta to great effect. To see Jake awkwardly command Holt provided some hilarious moments, especially after Holt recounted that everyone’s lost respect for him made for a laugh-out-loud moment. There was some nice character development for Holt as well, with the Captain being forced to swallow his pride now that he’s no longer a commanding Officer. His moments with Debbie were also fun, as well as Amy’s mood swings throughout the series premiere.
The Jimmy Jab Games II
Buckle your butt everyone the Jimmy Jab Games are back! Brooklyn Nine-Nine has a special knack for silly workplace games and this was no different. However, the writers continue to do an excellent job of developing characters instead of diving into silly shenanigans. The best gag of the episode was Charles going out of his way to being “The Greatest Showman”; Joe Lo Truglio’s charisma and energy was infectious through these zany moments and he easily nails any task that’s given to him. The Rosa/Captain Holt story was the heart of the episode. Of course, the Jimmy Jab Games itself was ridiculous, but wacky fun that nicely explored Jake’s mid-life crisis.
Debbie is a cocaine thief who’s apparently a master at karate. This episode was a continuation of the Jimmy Jab Games episode that saw Debbie steal the cocaine from the evidence room. The addition of Vanessa Bayer’s character in season seven made for a fun dynamic with the crew of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Her meekish, yet badass personality was given the spotlight here and the writers did an excellent job of adding some meaningful depth to Debbie’s character. The cold open was easily one of the best of the series; Debbie demanding Jake to kill the suspect till they’re dead and her conversation to Rosa and Holt about Hot Tub Brian were riotous moments. It was fun that Debbie’s crazy personality was unleashed after sniffing some cocaine, with the most notable moments being her taking down Rosa and Jake, along with the squabbles with her mother. Speaking of which, the story did a nice job of explaining why Debbie was such a troubled soul and it was nice that Debbie had sort of a happy ending. It’s a shame that the series wrote her off so early in the season; however, Debbie was a joy for the limited time that she had on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
A crime has been committed and Jake sounds like a Nazi! Once again, Brooklyn Nine-Nine has a knack for creating great special guest characters and J.K. Simmons’ Dillman was no exception here. After a “prank” goes horribly awry, Holt brings in Dillman, who suffers from male pattern baldness and works at Yard Barn on the side. Not surprisingly, Simmons’s comedic voice was strong here, with some of the highlights including Dillman’s distinct knowledge of round red glitter, his constant upstaging of Jake, his unorthodox interrogation methods, and his back-and-forth with his manager at Yard Barn. It was nice that it turned out to be Charles who figured out the case as it effectively showcased Boyle as a leading man and strengthen the friendship between him and Peralta.
Lights Out
New York has turned into a purge and Amy gives birth! The season seven finale saw the power go out in Brooklyn and naturally, all hell broke loose on the streets. There were several hilarious gags throughout the episode: Holt’s elevator phobia because the municipal code is read every five years, Hitchcock and Scully trying to finish all the food in the refrigerator, and Jake and Charles’s journey back to the precinct provided plenty of fun gags in the 30-minute episode. However, easily the best and tear-jerking moment was the birth of Amy’s baby. Throughout the first six seasons, we have watched Jake and Amy laugh, cry, and demonstrate their true love for one another, so it was a very heartwarming step in their relationship to see the happy couple finally have a baby.
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