Was Doctor Sleep Even Necessary?
Over 30 years later, the world of The Shining was revisited, but this time it was through the eyes of Danny Torrance. To recall, the film was about aspiring w
Over 30 years later, the world of The Shining was revisited, but this time it was through the eyes of Danny Torrance. To recall, the film was about aspiring w
As far as odd movies go this is one of them that would likely fail to keep the attention of a lot of people unless they were into the type of horror that move
Fantastic Four sucks. Actually, that’s not fair to the Jessica Alba/Chris Evans movies as they suck. The 2015 unnecessarily dour and bland Josh Trank fa
Back in October, Ring of Honor shocked the world by announcing that they were releasing all talent and would go on hiatus for the first quarter of 2022. Natur
Talking about a movie based on what the critics say about it is a little too easy, which is why watching a movie and then giving an account of it from persona
Khushi Choudhary may not be that well known in the United States, but in her home country of India, and in other parts of the world, she’s a pretty big
One of the biggest rivals of Wonder Woman made her live-action debut in 1984 and it wasn’t exactly the best incarnation of the character. It’s oka
It’s not hard to believe that tales of how one celebrity or another stepped out of line at one time or another might be fabricated by the media to sound
In 2009, Kofi Kingston was on the road to becoming the next big thing in WWE. He was feuding with Randy Orton and things seemed to go his way as the former WW