Credit: @realnickswardson
Nick Swardson made everyone laugh when he played Terry Bernadino in the hilarious comedy Reno 911! His comedic genius is second to none, and that’s why he’s worked with just about every talented comedian in the business. He’s a man who knows how to make everyone laugh, but he’s also dedicated his entire life to being the funny guy. It works for him, and that’s why he’s a celebrity. However, just because you’ve laughed at his jokes doesn’t mean you know everything about him. Let’s get into 10 interesting Nick Swardson facts.
1. How Old is Nick Swardson?
He was born on October 9, 1976. He was born in Minneapolis, and he stuck around. Swardson lived with his mom and dad as well as his brother and sister. Their lives were turned upside down in 1989, however. His parents decided to end their marriage, and he was only 13 at the time. It’s a tough go for a kid, and he and his siblings went through a lot at such an early age.
2. He’s Been Performing Since He Was 16
He’s always been hilarious, but his parents did not find him nearly as amusing as everyone else when he was a teen. He began performing improv at 16 but was already struggling with school, making poor grades, and not following the rules. His behavior left many wondering if he’d end up going completely down the wrong path in life.
3. He was Expelled from Four Schools
It’s been mentioned he wasn’t an ideal student, but he wasn’t even trying to be a good student. Four times, he was kicked out of school because of the choices he made. And the point is that he knew his choices were going to end up getting him in trouble. He pulled the fire alarm for no reason than he wanted to get out of class to smoke. He also smoked marijuana at school, got into fights, and shared a lewd sign in a classroom.

Credit: @realnickswardson
4. Nick Went to Rehab in High School
Rehab is a scary place, but he was there prior to becoming a legal adult. He had to go to rehab after being caught using drugs in school. To say this was not a good time for him is an understatement.
5. His Production Company is Named After His Cat
Weird things happen sometimes, and one of those things happened to Swardson when he was a kid. A cat just showed up in his house one day. He walked in, let himself get comfortable, and didn’t leave. He just sort of…adopted the Swardson family. So, he named his production company after his cat. It’s called My Cat Fitzgerald, and we are here for this kind of information.
6. Adam Sandler Was a Fan
Swardson has worked with the Happy Madison Productions crew – which is Adam Sandler – more than once, and it’s because Adam Sandler was a fan. He had his people call Swardson’s people, and a bromance was born. Maybe not so much a bromance as a great friendship and working relationship, but you get the picture.
7. He Was Way Worse in School Than People Realize
He does credit his parent’s divorce at the age of 13 for being awesome, and he and his friends just went crazy. Swardson admits that he went through some really hard times in which he stole cars, used drugs, and did horrible things. He’s not proud of that.
8. He Was Arrested Before Rehab
He wasn’t even two years into high school when he was arrested for doing drugs at school. It was that and rehab that made him change his plans a bit. The harsh reality hit him, and he knew he had to do something. He stopped wasting time as much, and he joined his local theater. He focused, and he fell in love with it. Did it change his life?

Credit: @realnickswardson
9. He Credits His Success to Need
His success is his because he did not have what most of us call a safety net. When he was a teenager trying to make comedy work, there was nothing for him to do otherwise. He fully and completely threw himself into the game and killed it. He earned his success.
10. His Mom Told Him He Had to Go To College
He didn’t want to and certainly didn’t have good grades. However, his mother told him he had to go. He decided, rather than going to college, he’d take a year to see if he could make comedy work for him. Spoiler alert – it worked for him.
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