10 Things You Didn’t Know about Laila Drew

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Laila Drew

Laila Drew is a young woman who is taking the world by storm as an actress. She’s young, she’s not as established as many at the moment, but she is killing it. Her talent is paramount, and she is making her way into the big league. She’s had guest-starring roles in cool shows – one coming up this week that fans will surely want to see – and she’s also a stage actress who has done some even bigger things. She might not be a household name yet, but she is going to be sooner rather than later, which means now is the time to get to know her.

1. She is on a Popular Show

She’s been featured on one of the most popular shows in America. She has appeared in the hit show, Law and Order SVU,” which is only one of the biggest shows around. It’s part of an entire franchise of huge shows that features huge names, and it’s been a long-time hit any actor or actress would want to be a part of.

2. She’s On a Huge Netflix Show

She’s also a Netflix star at this point, which is such a cool thing to say. Netflix has changed the game with its streaming service, and now she is someone who gets to call herself a Netflix star. She is part of the show, “Dash and Lily,” which has already created its own massive fan base.

3. She is a Stage Actress

Prior to becoming a television actress, she spent much of her time on the stage. The rumor for us non-acting folk is that being a stage actor is far more difficult. You don’t get a second chance. You don’t get to re-do things you don’t do correctly. Rehearsals are long and grueling. The stage is difficult, but it takes a very specific, very special kind of actress, like this one.

4. She is Part of an Award-Winning Show

One of the shows she starred in on Broadway is a major one. It’s called “Generation Me,” which won some impressive awards in 2017. The production was awarded the “Best Musical” award at the New York Musical Festival. This is a huge deal, and she is proud of that.

5. She is Guest Starring on A Cool Show

Another cool thing she’s been up to is guest-starring on another hit show. It might only be one season in at the moment, but it’s another huge show that is part of a total series. She’s starring as the little sister of one of the FBI Agents in the hit show “FBI International,” and she could not be more excited to be filming in Budapest.

6. She is A Dog Lover

She’s a woman who loves a dog, and she is happy to have one of her own. Her adorable pup is Coda, and it’s a new puppy in her household. She was devastated after losing her long-time pup in 2018, and it took some time for her to find a dog that she was willing to make her own. Losing a dog is a difficult situation, and it is not easy to simply find a new one without being ready for this.

7. She is Close to Her Family

She is a woman who is close to her family, and she loves their family traditions. Like my own family, everyone is able to open one gift on Christmas Eve every year – and it’s always a new pair of Christmas pajamas we wear to watch our favorite Christmas movie and to wake up in to open gifts the following morning. It’s the best tradition.

8. She is Still Young

She is a legal adult, but she’s still young. She will celebrate her 23rd birthday in the summer of 2022, and she is excited about it. Her 21st might have been a different one in the summer of 2020 when parts of the country were still odd and strange, but she made it through and this one will be much more fun.

9. She is Private

When she’s not working or hanging out with the people she loves the most, she’s not really sharing too much about her life. She prefers to keep things more personal and to herself, and that is such an admirable trait considering she is so young. Most young people are too busy sharing every little detail that they don’t have the opportunity to keep their lives private.

10. She is A Star

While she might not be a household name – yet – she will be. She’s a star. She is doing big things, and her talent speaks for itself. If you haven’t had a chance to watch her yet, do it.cool shows

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