10 Things You Didn’t Know about India de Beaufort

10 Things You Didn’t Know about India de Beaufort

India de Beaufort was born and raised in England to parents who are originally from India. Although neither one of her parents were actors, she grew up around the arts thanks to her mother who was a dancer for many years. At a fairly early age, it became clear that India was destined to be a star, and she has definitely lived up to that potential. Over the years, she has made quite the name for herself in the entertainment industry and she’s gotten to work with some big names along the way. Some of her credits include Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Veep, and One Tree Hill. She will also be in an upcoming TV series Night Court. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about India de Beaufort.

1. She Started Her Career As a Teen

We weren’t able to track down the specifics on what inspired India to get into acting, but we do know that she started working in the industry when she was around 16 years old as a cast member on a kids’ show. It didn’t take long for other opportunities to present themselves, and India took full advantage of everything that came her way.

2. She Has an Account on Cameo

The internet has made it easier than ever for people to connect with their favorite celebrities and Cameo is one of the platforms that allow people to do that. India has an account on Cameo where she records and sells personalized video shout-outs. She is currently charging $50 per video.

3. She Is a Wife and Mother

Trying to balance a busy career with a happy life at home can be challenging, but India seems to be getting it done just fine. She has been married to actor Todd Grinnell since 2015 and the couple has one child together. If she isn’t busy working, you can usually catch her spending time with her family.

4. She Is Passionate About Human Rights

As an actress, it goes without saying that keeping people entertained has always been one of India’s main goals. However, that isn’t the only thing she wants to use her platform for. She has also made it a point to show her support for several causes such as women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the fight to end racism.

5. She Was in a Video Game

India has spent the majority of her career doing live-action work, but she is also a talented voice actress who has worked on quite a few projects. In addition to the animated series she’s been a part of, she was also the voice of Arcane Supergirl in the 2015 video game Infinite Crisis.

6. She Is A Singer

On top of acting, India is also a great singer. During an interview with Cliche Magazine, she said, “I really love to sing and write, but mostly to sing. Whenever I get the chance to do that, I jump at it. I have no idea what I’ll be doing next week, let alone next year, but if it involves music, it would make me incredibly happy.”

7. She Likes Being Out in Nature

After a long day, there’s nothing better than getting outside and breathing ins some fresh air. This is something that India would probably agree with. When India gets a break from work, she enjoys spending time outside. Some of her favorite things to do include paddle boarding and zip lining.

8. She Has a Great Sense of Style

Some people think that fashion is only about looks, but those who love the industry know that there’s more to it than that. Fashion is one of the many ways that India likes to express herself and she has an awesome sense of style. From bright colors to bold patterns, she loves to make statements with her clothing.

9. She Isn’t Afraid to Get a Little Political

Most people don’t like to talk about politics because it’s a quick and easy way to ruffle people’s feathers. However, India likes people to know where she stands when it comes to political issues. She appears to have liberal political views and she has shown her support for the election of president Joe Biden.

10. She Is a Dog Person

There are lots of people who believe that you can tell a lot about someone by whether they’re a dog or cat person. If anyone out there was wondering, it looks like India is a dog person all the way. That said, it’s unclear if she has a fur baby of her own at the moment.

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