Howie Mandel: Controversial Posts and Public Reactions

Since Howie Mandel joined TikTok, his controversial posts on the platform have raised concerns about his mental health time after time. The Canadian comedian and television personality has been quite open about his psychological, emotional, and social well-being—from his struggles with anxiety to his OCD (Obsessive-compulsive Disorder) challenges and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnosis. These conditions haven’t made his controversial posts less disturbing, especially as mental health problems are often underplayed.

The Canadian entertainer has managed his conditions since childhood, but it sometimes gets the best of him. He told Additudemag that he will always have to manage symptoms and find ways to cope while adhering to medications and psychotherapy. Admitting that he’s sometimes afraid of being called crazy, the America’s Got Talent judge lamented that he’s prone to impulsive behavior. “I often do things without thinking,” he explained. The following are Howie Mendel’s controversial posts that demonstrate that.

When He Posted A Picture Of His Friend’s Rectal Prolapse

Howie Mandel's Controversial Posts

Perhaps the most disturbing Howie Mandel’s controversial post, the Canadian comedian shocked his TikTok followers in July 2022 when he shared a video featuring a picture of his friend’s an*s. The video, which has since been removed from the social media platform, depicts Mandel beside the unsettling picture as though it wasn’t a graphic photo while seeking the public’s opinion. Superimposed over the explicit image of rectal prolapse, the AGT judge said: “When my friend Neil bent over, this happened. Does somebody know—is this COVID-related? And if it is, what do we do about it? Ow.”

The TikTok video sent shockwaves across social media platforms. While it was removed from TikTok, people took to other social sites, especially Reddit and X, to express their trauma over the video. “I wish I could have slept a couple more hours so I didn’t have to wake up to Howie Mandel posting a prolapsed an*s on TikTok,” posted an X user, @honk7777_. Another user, @nightleycosplay, wondered why TikTok took so long to remove the post. “So I can’t post cleavage/my stomach or plastic weapons on TikTok, but Howie Mandel can post a prolapsed an*s, and it stays up for hours?!?!?” 

Nonetheless, some users like @staceyistrash, who have seen the darker side of the internet, thought it wasn’t a big deal. “Maybe I’m just too numb and traumatized by the internet, but I don’t see why the Howie Mandel prolapsed an*s video is such a big deal.” Mandel didn’t also seem to see why people fussed about the video. He neither apologized nor explained himself but went about his usual online routine.  

When He Joked About Watching Porn With A Chicken

Howie Mandel's Controversial Posts

Before the rectal prolapses video, Howie Mandel’s controversial posts included a TikTok video wherein he jokes about watching porn with a chicken. The video posted in May 2022 depicts the Canadian comedian with a computer-generated rooster sitting on his head. “Oh my god, you’re never gonna guess,” he started. “We were just watching porn, and I’ll just ask you: who came first, the chicken or the —” he added before the video cut off. Although it was clear that Mandel was just being a TikToker, some users couldn’t help wondering what had become of the comedian. “This is not the same Howie from Deal or No Deal… Howie, you traumatize me,” commented one user.

When He Reminisced About Life Before Covid

Howie Mandel On Life Before Covid

Like everyone else, the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for the Canadian comedian. Several of Howie Mandel’s controversial posts came during the COVID lockdown. In May 2021, he shared an unsettling video of two fishes attempting to feed on an eel, asserting that it mirrors life before the pandemic. “This is what life was like before COVID-19; you can’t do any of that fun stuff anymore, remember? Do you remember? Something fishy is going on, anyway, you’ll get better,” he said. The video received mixed reactions from his followers. Some thought he was funny, but others expressed concerns about his well-being. “He’s not even the same person anymore,” reads one of the comments. “Howie, you need some help,” reads another.

When Everyone Thought Howie Mandel Had Been Kidnapped

Howie Mandel's Controversial Post

In July 2020, right before the coronavirus‐related activity restrictions became much more serious, Howie Mandel posted a weird DIY video that left the TikTok community postulating he had been kidnapped and calling for help. In the video, the comedian cuts the corners of a paper grocery bag, which he labels “shoe stuff,” and says: “…Then you’ve created a bag where you can put all your shoe stuff, and it’s easy to reach into…” With the widespread suggestion that he’s a captive calling for help, the comedian told BuzzFeed News that he was safe and only making fun of people who have become creative in providing the things they need during the lockdown. This is probably the only Howie Mandel controversial post the AGT judge has reacted to.

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