Five Scenes Where American Horror Story Seasons Line Up

Five Scenes Where American Horror Story Seasons Line Up

Fans excitedly wait for each new season of American Horror Story because they all contain different plots. It is fun to wait and see what the new theme will be and how each of the cast members will transform into new characters with new stories. Even with a new storyline with each new set of episodes, there are a few moments where the American Horror Story seasons line up, such as the 5 scenes listed below. (Warning: spoilers ahead)

1. Michael Langdon in Season One – Murder House and Season Eight – Apocalypse

You may remember in season one, Murder House, when the Harmon family first entered the murder house and moved in. A ghost who was forever stuck in the murder house, Tate Langdon (Evan Peters), disguised himself causing Vivien(Connie Britton) to believe she would be having sex with her husband. It turned out she was pregnant with Tate’s child, who even in the womb would show signs of the evil he possessed. Billie Dean Howard (Sarah Paulson), a medium, predicted that Micahel would bring on the end of days. In season eight, Apocalypse, you begin to see how Michael Langdon (Cody Fern as adult and Asher Gian Starita) was evil even as a small child. He would start by killing animals and then moved on to murdering others, such as the maid. It was revealed that Tate himself was possessed by a demonic presence when he raped Vivien. Michael eventually leans into his evil powers and is seen as the Antichrist in season eight.

2. Dr. Arthur Arden in Season Two – Asylum and Season Four – Freak Show

In season two, Asylum, Dr. Arthur Arden (James Cromwell) is the physician working at the insane asylum, Briarcliff Manar. Rather than helping his patients, he would perform bizarre experiments on them to create “his creatures”. Later in the season, a woman who claimed to be Anne Frank said she had seen Dr. Arthur Arden before, except that his name was Hans Gruper. As it turns out, “Anne Frank” was a housewife with an obsession with the Holocaust. When returned home, you can clearly see Dr. Arthur Arden as Hans Gruper in an old Nazi photograph. Fast forward to season four and we meet Elsa Mars (Jessica Lange), a woman who we come to find out had her legs sawed off for a snuff film. It was Dr. Arden who had removed her legs and even went by the name Hans Gruper at the time. We also see Pepper (Naomi Grossman) return from Asylum and become one of the members of the Freak Show.

3. Season Three – Coven and Season Six – Roanoke

We learn about the line of main Supremes in season three, Coven. In this season, Fiona Goode (Jessica Lange) is a leader who is intent on keeping her power and control over the coven. However, as her body becomes weaker, it is time to replace her with someone younger. Witches may hold a lot of power, but they are not immortal, so there are new Supremes added when the time comes. In season six, Roanoke, we learn about Scathach (Lady Gaga), the Supreme who started it all. It was Scathach who started the line of Supremes, meaning she was the reason we are introduced to Fiona. This also gives us the full backstory to the start of Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies.

4. Season Five – Hotel and Season Eight – Apocalypse

In season five, Hotel, we are brought to The Hotel Cortez, a haunted location with some deep history. Much like Murder House and Camp Redwood, the dead do not stay dead. In Apocalypse, Michael Langdon would reveal the real importance of The Hotel Cortez. He reveals it isn’t just your standard haunted hotel, it is a purgatory of sorts. We also spot a connection back to season 3 as well, when Michael releases Madison Montgomery (Emma Roberts) and Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) from their tortuous entrapment.

5. Season Five – Hotel and Season Nine – 1984

Richard Ramirez (Zach Villa) first appeared as a guest for the Devil’s Night celebrations along with other infamous serial killers at Hotel Cortez. Billie Dean Howard, the medium from season one, Murder House, also makes an appearance in season five. Ramirez would threaten the medium during his stay for profiting off of the Hotel Cortez for her television show. While the purpose of his reappearance isn’t outright revealed, he plays a prominent role in both seasons five and nine. In the ninth season, 1984, Richard Ramirez becomes known as an infamous serial killer who stalked and tried to murder Brooke Thompson (Emma Roberts). He then stalks her and follows her to Camp Redwood where he would eventually be impaled. It is then we discover that he cannot die because Satan would resurrect him.American Horror Story

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