Five Things You Didn’t Know about Meredith Salenger

Five Things You Didn’t Know about Meredith Salenger

Some actors and actresses kind of get lost in the mix even though they are well accomplished and have a lot to offer. Meredith Salenger is the type of actress that you know you’ve seen somewhere but you also can’t always place it. She’s had several roles in her career and always been at least memorable enough that people will say “I know her from somewhere” when they see her. She has the type of looks and acting ability that is often underrated but is still more than enough to keep her in the public consciousness.

So where do you remember her from?

5. Her first real role was as an orphan in Annie.

You’d likely have to watch the film again just to see her but Meredith was there. Her mother took her to an audition when she was eight years old and that was what got Meredith hooked. She’s been acting on and off since and has racked up an impressive resume that includes several different films across a few different genres. So if you think you’ve seen her in a film there’s a good chance you have.

4. She graduated cum laude from Harvard.

She earned her degree in Psychology in 1992. This proves that she’s not only talented but quite intelligent as  well. This would make her a dual threat in Hollywood and capable of doing so much more than acting if she really had the desire to go that far. When brains and talent combine there’s not a whole lot that can stop someone from doing exactly what they want.

3. She is of Russian-Jewish descent.

Salenger is one of the many individuals that might have been born in the US but is still descended from those that at one point or another made their way to America with hopes and dreams lighting the way. She is the daughter of a dentist and an interior designer so it’s fair to say that she gets her intelligence and sense of style quite honestly from her parents. While neither of them have ever acted apparently they have been nothing but supportive of her career since she was young.

2. She is engaged to comedian Patton Oswalt.

Remember this guy? He voiced Remy in Ratatouille, played a prominent role in King of Queens, and has shown up in various movies throughout the years. Now imagine Meredith Salenger tying her wagon to his so to speak. It might not look like the greatest match in Hollywood but it’s inspiring at the very least. Sometimes things just click between people, right?

1. She was in Village of The Damned, the remake.

Her part wasn’t really that big but it was kind of pivotal considering that the white-haired child she was supposed to give birth to ended up looking like a lumpy alien from a bad Star Trek episode. Plus, her character was a virgin when she got impregnated so that couldn’t have made things any better. Eventually the character got depressed and shot herself, thereby ending her involvement.

So yes, you have seen her before, and yes, she has been in a notably bad but memorable films. She’s the actress you know you’ve seen but can’t always place.


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