Cobra Kai Season 5 is Coming: Bring It On
It looks like we don’t have to wait until the end of the year to see how things pan out after season 4 of Cobra Kai since season 5 is apparently hitting
It looks like we don’t have to wait until the end of the year to see how things pan out after season 4 of Cobra Kai since season 5 is apparently hitting
It’s apparent that House of the Dragon will start before we get to see Winds of Winter on the bookshelves, but is anyone that surprised at this point? T
It’s easy to feel conflicted about several of the characters in the MCU since they’ve been given a real-world look and ideas that make sense at ti
As one of the most maligned and overlooked members of the Avengers, Hawkeye has earned an unfortunate reputation as the ‘bow and arrow’ guy since
More and more it’s feeling as though Halo should have been adapted for the big screen first, before being taken on by Paramount+ as one of their more en
Things would have felt kind of screwy had this season ended with Ammit sticking around, wouldn’t it? Maybe Infinity War was enough of a shock to the sys
If there’s any lingering doubt that Ammit is anything but a villain in the Moon Knight series, the previous episode should have just about erased them s
Here’s one big issue with A-list directors, especially when they don’t get their way, too many of them have become divas that hold grudges and don
Maybe it’s a desire to not think of the fashions that we wear on a daily basis but instead, see it as clothing that suits a need in form and function, o
Stories detailing how things might have been before the stories we’ve come to enjoy are becoming at least a little bit popular as the years pass by, esp