The Ultimate Ranking of the Couples from 90 Day Fiancé Season 4

Season 4 of 90 Day Fiancé delivered five couples with extreme differences. One of the couples had notable religious differences, while another had contrasts in personal needs. Despite having the second least number of couples since the show began, Season 4 had a lot of drama, compatibility issues, and emotional rollercoasters. So it comes as no surprise that most did not end in a “happily ever after.”

As a recap of 90 Day Fiancé Season 4, this list will rank the five couples. It was not just their compatibilities that were taken into account, but also, how enjoyable they were to watch and how memorable they were. To know who made the best couple of Season 4, keep reading but it is important to note that the ranking presented on this list is subjective to the author’s opinions, analysis, and assessment.

5. Narkyia and Olulowo

Narkyia Lathan and Lowo Shodipe

Narkyia‘s relationship with the Nigerian Olulowo Shodipe did not kick off with a great start. In their first meeting, though online, “Lowo” jokingly told Narkyia that he was a “Nigerian prince,” pointing to his nationality and also as a satirical statement against a common type of scam. This was not a good first impression, which promptly made Narkyia’s relatives warn her about her being scammed.

There was also this issue with Lowo hiding another woman. He claimed that he had a kid whose mother was now dead; however, Narkyia investigated and found out that the “mother” was far from dead. She confronted her about this, and Lowo told him that what she found out was all correct. More red flags were raised in Episode 12, where, while in Vietnam, Lowo suddenly blurted out some hints of him missing his former woman. The pissed Narkyia smacked ice cream onto his face. In one of Narkyia’s closing dialogues in Episode 13, she told Lowo, “I love you. But […] I don’t think I can trust you.

Narkyia and Olulowo’s disastrous encounter in 90 Day Fiancé Season 4 was a testament that for love to work, there needed trust. Without trust, love can’t blossom. That was the moral lesson from them in this season.

4. Nicole and Azan

The Ultimate Ranking of the Couples from 90 Day Fiancé Season 4

If the relationship between Nicole and Azan can be summed up in one sentence, it will be this statement from Nicole’s mother in Episode 11, “This was an impossible relationship to start with … Because his world is so different from yours, you can’t wrap your head around it. It makes no sense to you.” Culture shock had been the common denominator of the disagreements between the two in their episodes.

In the Islamic culture of Morocco, unmarried couples are not allowed to show affection in public, much to Nicole’s dismay. Also, Nicole’s body build is not a great match for the Moroccan desert climate. In one instance, due to her being unable to stand up against the heat of the desert, the indifferent-looking Azan told her to “do some workouts” and that she was “lazy.”

The takeaway? Being married entails that both parties accept the ways of one another. If Nicole were to have breakdowns every time she was not able to show affection in a manner that is common in the United States, this relationship would not seem to last.

3. Jorge and Anfisa

Jorge Nava & Anfisa Arkipchenko

Jorge and Anfisa had a similar number of red flags relative to one another, unlike the couples already mentioned in this list, earning them a higher ranking here. Sure, some could argue that Anfisa was too materialistic and only loved Jorge for the money; however, Jorge misrepresented himself, pretending to be a wealthy man ready to “shower” her with everything she would want.

To be fair, Anfisa had been open all along that she wanted Jorge for his money, she never hid that fact. On the other hand, Jorge seemed to want Anfisa for her looks, with the two wanting to be together for the wrong reasons. They were able to settle their differences and get married, marking a happy ending in Episode 13.

2. Chantel and Pedro

Pedro Jimeno & Chantel Everett

The relationship between the two was bumpy in the beginning but had a happy ending. The couple kept their relationship (and engagement) hidden from their respective families. However, time would reveal their hidden relationship, with Chantel feeling guilty about keeping the marriage secret from her mother who could have been happy. “The more and more I try on these dresses, the more and more I think that it’s almost time to come clean,” Chantel said in Episode 6.

Chantel’s family did not take lightly the news of them being married in less than a week. They demanded that the two would have some prenuptial papers to sign, which Pedro’s family contested. Things took a turn for the worst when they found out that prenuptial documents were not something done in a day, and it was possible for it to be done just after the 90-day deadline. When all hope seemed to be lost, however, they managed to marry in a simple ceremony attended by their relatives.

1. Matt and Alla

Matt Ryan and Alla Fedoruk

Matt and Alla’s relationship was golden. Their relationship hoisted two great green flags that any aspiring couple out there could learn from. The first green flag was the couple talked with concerned parties (i.e. family and friends) about their relationships and talked them to their support, and the second one was Matt waited dearly for Alla to love him back.

Matt got through to his parents and even his best friend, Patrick, who seemed to want to oppose the marriage when given the chance. Thankfully, there was no objection during the wedding, to everyone’s relief. On the other hand, when Matt asked Alla if she loved him, she was a bit unsure and told him to give her time. And time he gave, making Alla love and accept him more. They were the only couple in the Season 4 of 90 Day Fiancé to retain their happy ending.

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