Tulsa King Season 2 Already Set Up The Perfect Future (With Or Without Stallone)

Tulsa King marked Sylvester Stallone‘s first-ever lead role in a TV series, playing mafia capo Dwight Manfredi. After keeping quiet and protecting his New York City crime family, Dwight served 25 years in prison. In season 1 of Tulsa King, he is released into a world he no longer recognizes. He has a damaged relationship with his daughter Tina, and his old crew have exiled him to Tulsa, Oklahoma to set up shop and start earning.

As soon as he steps foot into Tulsa, Dwight gets right to work and muscles in on some local businesses. Before long, he forms his own crew of unlikely criminals and quickly builds his very own empire. However, just as he starts to patch things up with Tina, he winds up back in jail and leaves his daughter heartbroken once again. But the acclaimed show can use this plot turn to its advantage when Tulsa King returns for season 2.

Stallone’s Manfredi Could Operate His Empire From Jail In Tulsa King Season 2

Tulsa King Weights

Sylvester Stallone was no doubt the main attraction for many viewers when Tulsa King hit Paramount Plus in 2022. After hinting that he may not return for Tulsa King season 2, an agreement was eventually met with the showrunners and another season was greenlit. But given that Stallone’s Dwight Manfredi is carted off to prison in the final episode of season 1, it has left viewers wondering how exactly the next season will play out.

Dwight is no stranger to prison, so it’s likely that he will fit right back in and be a respected figure. However, running his new empire in Tulsa may be a little tricky. After making a ton of money with his new crew, Dwight will have ample money for a top lawyer. And this lawyer will likely have him released on bail. However, if his lawyer fails, this could actually serve the plot well and see Dwight run things from the confines of prison.

How Dwight Can Fix His Relationship With Tina After Returning To Prison

Tulsa King Screengrab

Throughout season 1 of Tulsa King, Dwight’s main mission is to fix his relationship with his daughter Tina. After some back and forth, she eventually warms to him and accepts him for who he is. Crime is all Dwight knows, and quite frankly – he’s pretty darn good at it. Tina knows that he isn’t running a legitimate business in Tulsa, yet she considers relocating there to be closer to him.

While Tina may go through some initial heartbreak when Dwight is sent back to jail, she could actually end up helping him run his new empire. After all, Dwight is all about family, and if it comes to leaving his business in the hands of someone else, family will likely be the safest option. Tulsa King season 2 is set to return in 2024, with creator Taylor Sheridan at the helm.

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