credit: Game Changers
It’s funny to think of how easy it was to enjoy this show in the first season when the Don’t Bothers were looking to gain a bit of credibility, especially since the version of the Mighty Ducks that was presented was less than ideal, considering that they’d become all about elitism and had forgotten the spirit that created the team.
One would like to think that such a spirit would have carried over to the second season, as the kids are now attending a hockey camp and seeking to improve their game. At the current moment, the most expendable character is Nick, since apart from his incessant whining and carrying on, he hasn’t really added anything to the show other than an annoying character that wasn’t all that great, to begin with. But the truth is that at this current moment, it’s easier to feel sorry for Jace and his father, Coach Cole, since not only are they having difficulties with each other, but Coach Cole has to constantly deal with Alex, who has continued to be the fretting helicopter mom that can’t allow her son to grow up a bit and be apart from her. Yes, I said it, as the actors are doing one thing right, they’re creating emotional content that makes their characters a little too believable.

credit: Game Changers
Jace really doesn’t want to be a part of the camp
It’s tough to wonder why Jace hasn’t rebelled and simply left the camp yet, but there’s a good chance that he has nowhere else to go, and invoking his father’s wrath might not be something he desires, no matter how he talks to him in front of everyone. But thinking that Jace wants anything to do with hockey is kind of tough, no matter that he has stuck around.
As far as his interactions with the Ducks, it would almost appear that he and Sofi are on the same wavelength, which has been noticed by Evan. When the game between the coaches and the kids (a seriously bad idea in the making) is announced, Jace finds a game jersey waiting for because, of course, he would be selected and opts to give it to Evan, who is aching to get into the game.
When Coach Cole gets wind of this, however, he makes it clear that Evan wasn’t picked and ended up getting Jace to play despite the young man’s wishes. As for Alex, she swings from trying to be supportive to being the type of parent that a lot of kids would gladly tell to go home or simply leave them alone, as her parenting skills are still just as manic as they were in the first season.
Alex is in over her head
Okay, so she has a lot of learning to do, but her motherly instincts are definitely getting in the way, even if she means well and does have a point about the Coach Classic being kind of a bad idea. Grown-ups getting on the ice to skate against younger men and women don’t sound like a great idea, but other than this, Alex is kind of just in the way at the moment since even her son doesn’t want her to stick around at all times.
The only one that appears to really appreciate her presence is Nick, who doesn’t appear to belong in this camp to start with since he’s not a diehard athlete, and he’s typically more relieved when he has to do the least amount of work. Unfortunately, Nick comes off as the type of kid who was told that he was special every day of his life and was given a trophy for every accomplishment while being told that he’d earned it.
In other words, Nick is better off being an announcer, and Alex would be better off cheering on the team rather than being an active part of it. Remember, she did take the Don’t Bothers to state, but she had Gordon Bombay helping her out at the same time since hockey is to Alex what a push-up is to Nick, a hurdle that they’d rather question than overtake.

credit: Game Changers
Maya, Koob, and Sam are somehow more annoying than Nick in this episode.
Where do I even start with these three? A lot of us managed to get over our candy obsession by the time we were on our way out of grade school, but these three not only connive and convince their fellow athletes to give up their goodies in a betting scheme that involves the Coach Classic, but they end up consuming all the profits, showing that they have little to no discipline.
Not only do they show no discipline, but they show that they have little to no business forming a betting service, even one as rudimentary as the system they come up with, since they don’t know enough about predictions and how to cover their losses should anything happen. In other words, the Ducks haven’t exactly grown smarter this season, as the script has apparently called for them to be lazy, witless ducklings that have a lot to learn about the world, despite what they think they know.
The Ducks are changing in more ways than one.
It’s not certain if there will be a third season to this show yet, but considering that things are being geared toward a much younger audience, judging by the content and the less-than-intelligent dialogue and decisions that have been made, it could happen.
The downside of lowering standards for one show or another, however, is that it doesn’t cater to a wider fanbase, and it definitely enforces the idea that younger kids can’t comprehend what might be going on or be able to ask an adult about any content they don’t understand.
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