credit: She-Hulk
One thing that really needs to be noted is that She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, is firmly focused on ridiculing the legends that helped build the MCU foundation for reasons that can be explained in a few ways. One explanation might be that it’s all in fun and games and is just meant to get a reaction out of people. Another explanation could be that the current phase is trying to state that it’s already better than everything that’s come before, which would be a severe error to make in the long run since it’s fair to think that one day there will be something better than She-Hulk. She’ll be the one getting shredded. But to be specific, it’s all water under the bridge anyway since, one way or another, every legend that comes along will be supplanted by those who think they can do something better and who are far more intelligent and skilled at whatever it is they’re doing. In other words, giving Jennifer Walters the attitude that she can perform the role of a Hulk better than the man who originated it is laughable. But hey, fans like the show so far, and the quips and superiority complex will be tested eventually.

credit: She-Hulk
The attitude still feels like it’s being displayed at the expense of those who helped make She-Hulk possible.
Why the writers and the director feel it necessary to give Jennifer Walters the attitude that those who have come before she are worth mocking is hard to fathom. There are obvious reasons, as stated above, but it detracts from the show just a bit. The whole idea of Jen being a smartass that likes to do things her way is great, but continually offering backhanded comments that disrespect those who have earned their spot in MCU legend feels a bit, well, dicey. It’s not hard to see fans like her already, but thinking that a show has to tread on ideas that have come and gone makes it easy to think that any and all difficulties that come the character’s way are well-deserved.
It is possible to enjoy this show when the rhetoric calms down.
Even though Jennifer Walters is being made into a slightly acerbic individual that shows disdain for the Avengers and the idea of being a superhero, she is a fun character to watch when she’s not tossing her attitude about in such a casual manner. There’s no need to change the character, but hopefully, there will be more development throughout the course of the show to make it clear that Jennifer is capable of adapting to the new life that she’s been given. Her reluctance to be known as She-Hulk and to adapt to the life she now has are both elements that need to be remedied, but not at the cost of who this character is. On the other hand, it is easy to empathize with her when her firm gives her the boot due to the ‘mayhem’ she didn’t cause. She was indeed mistreated in this episode, but that and her attitude kind of balance each other out.

credit: MCU
Bringing the Abomination back and showing him as a calm and collected individual was an interesting trick.
This sudden need to see Emil Blonsky as a wronged and rehabilitated individual, who even Bruce Banner holds no grudge toward, is different. His being kept in a maximum security prison shows that humans aren’t taking him lightly or showing nearly as much forgiveness. Even Jennifer isn’t entirely on board with the idea until she meets with Blonsky, and it sounds as though she is a bit hesitant as well but still ready to do her job when it comes to defending this character in court. Her role as a lawyer to those with powers is going to be one that likely won’t be as easy as she would like, but if she can get Blonsky off, or at least make sure that others see him in a different light, it might prove to be kind of interesting.
The show is moving down an interesting path so far.
With Bruce heading off into space, possibly to Sakkar, it would appear that he’s not going to be a part of the show any longer, at least not for a while. Jennifer will have to solve her problems moving forward, and from the trailers, it’s already evident that the Blonsky case isn’t going to be a simple matter. The trailers have already made it clear that there’s plenty more cringe on the way since, despite how much she dislikes her status as She-Hulk, it’s also looking like she’s going to embrace it and use it in the episodes to come.
It’s easy to be on the fence about this character, but she’s proven to be fun and kind of controversial.
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