10 Things You Didn’t Know about Serene Russell

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Serene Russell

True love is something that most people are looking for, but it’s still one of the hardest things to find. After years of bad luck in the romance department, Serene Russell is switching things up by taking the dating show route. She is one of 30 women who is a part of season 26 of The Bachelor, and she’s excited to show Clayton Echard why she is the woman for him. After getting off to a great start on the show, Serene is looking forward to seeing how things play out and there are already lots of viewers who are heavily invested in her journey. Serene has all of the qualities that Clayton seems to be looking for and there’s no denying that they would look great together. Even if she doesn’t win Clayton’s heart, she probably won’t have any trouble finding a date after this. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Serene Russell.

1. She’s An Oklahoma Native

Serene is originally from Oklahoma City and it appears that she still lives in Oklahoma. The fact that she is from the midwest will probably resonate well with Clayton who is from Missouri. It also means that if she does end up winning, she won’t have to move too far from home.

2. She’s A Model

The Bachelor might be Serene’s first time doing a TV show, but she’s no stranger to being in front of the camera. She is a model who has been doing her thing for several years. Although she is currently represented by a modeling agency, it’s unclear if she has worked with any major brands. That said, being on The Bachelor will probably open up lots of modeling opportunities for Serene.

3. She’s In A Sorority

Serene went to college at the University of Central Oklahoma. Although she was serious about her education, academics weren’t the only thing she was focused on. She also joined a sorority called Sigma Kappa. We weren’t able to find any information on what Serene majored in while she was at school.

4. She’s A Teacher

Modeling isn’t the only thing Serene does. She is also an elementary school teacher and she loves working with children. This is something that will probably appeal to Clayton because the fact that she is good with children indicates that she will probably make a great mother someday.

5. She Loves Being Near The Water

Despite being from the midwest and not living near any beaches, Serena has always enjoyed being near the water. When the weather is nice, she loves to go swimming and hang out in the sun. Needless to say, she loves traveling to places that have warm weather and beautiful beaches.

6. She Isn’t Afraid To Try New Things

There are plenty of people who will spend their entire lives living within their comfort zone. That isn’t the case for Serene, though. She isn’t afraid to push herself and she loves the experience of trying new things. Now all she needs is a partner who is willing to try those things with her.

7. She’s All About Positivity

The world can be a dark place, and it can be hard not to let negativity consume you. Serene does her best to promote positivity in her own life and among all of the people she comes in contact with. Having a positive attitude is going to go a long way during Serene’s journey on The Bachelor.

8. She Doesn’t Like Guinea Pigs

Everybody has little quirks about them that might not make sense to other people. For Serene, one of those quirks is the fact that she doesn’t like guinea pigs. According to her bio for The Bachelor, guinea pigs “seriously freak” her out. Luckily, it seems very unlikely that Clayton has a pet guinea pig.

9. She Loves Food

Just because Serene likes to keep her body beach-ready all year long doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know how to enjoy good food. She loves trying different foods and she’s always down to experience a good meal. Her love for food pairs very well with her love for traveling because it gives her the opportunity to have dishes from different parts of the world.

10. She Has A Cat

Serene may not be a guinea pig person, but pet lovers shouldn’t write her off just yet. She is a proud pet parent to her cat who she lovingly named Leonadri Dicatprio. Hopefully, this won’t cause her to lose any points with Clayton since he appears to be much more of a dog person.Clayton Echard

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