credit: See
There are plenty of people who started watching See in the first season and didn’t witness enough forward movement to make it worth their while to keep watching. The idea of the entire world’s population going blind, or most of it at least, was a big stretch, but for some folks, the idea of people adapting to the darkness as they have in this series is kind of impossible. But all the same, the action and the intrigue in this series have been fun to watch since it’s offered up a very interesting look at how life might go if humanity did lose one of the most important senses that has allowed our species to become so dominant in our own way. The splitting of clans feels normal, as does the fact that one clan would become more powerful by being the more aggressive when it comes to claiming and keeping power. The Trivantes have made it clear that they’re willing to do anything to hold onto power, as have others throughout this story. Loyalty is too often a commodity that can be traded like any other good or service, and the only certainty is people will do as they must in order to take the next breath.

credit: See
Tormada is acting within his own self-interest.
There’s no denying that the scientist of the Trivantes has instigated a war upon Paya in order to further his own ends, but it has to be said that there’s something personal for him in this battle as well since he was a loyal follower of Edo Voss, who was killed in battle by Baba Voss. The fact that Tormada is now willing to do just about anything to end Baba’s life has been made clear when Tormada ventures into the domain of Ranger, another former Trivantes soldier who is still friends with Baba. The attack upon his home has spurred Ranger to help his friend despite his reluctance, and during their standoff, with a locked and barred door between them, it would appear that Tormada might have been a bit hesitant when he heard Ranger’s voice. Tormada has already been established as a character that has little to no martial skill of his own since his mind is his weapon, but it would be fitting to see Tormada end up face to face with Ranger or Baba at some point. It would be a fitting end, to be certain.
Harlan is a confusing character.
Harlan isn’t exactly a villain, but he’s definitely not a hero since he’s been acting in the interest of bringing about diplomatic peace between Paya and Trivantes for a while now, but in his own twisted manner. If nothing else, he’s been trying to help out when he can but makes it clear that he has his own way of doing things that others aren’t about to agree with since they don’t fully understand his motives. But the fact is that in this episode, he makes it clear finally that he’s trying to help Baba and those with him to survive since if he hadn’t done his part and ended the life of Trovere, Baba and his children, and those who were being held captive, might not have survived.

credit: See
Baba Voss might appear to be irrational, but there is a reason for his madness.
There is a great deal in this world that the people do not know about, as the music, Guns N Roses, that was blaring obviously disoriented the Trivantes soldiers, and the idea of a lamp actually confused Baba. But when he sets fire to the entire library that had been built over the years, one can’t help but cringe since represents the destruction of knowledge on a level that hasn’t really been seen since Nazi Germany was seen to burn entire piles of books containing ideas that they believed were dangerous. The same kind of applies here since Baba and many others believe that anything from the ancient world is either useful or harmful. There is a reason behind burning the library since buried somewhere within the tomes is the knowledge of how to advance the technological means that one might need to dominate the countryside. But thinking about what else was lost is kind of saddening since it means that humanity will continue to live in the dark, and the sighted will need to forge a new history.
So far, this series has made a few good points about humanity.
While See is a fantasy series set in a dystopian future, there are still many lessons to be taken from it since humanity doesn’t change that often, and the predictions made by one series, movie, or even a book, are often a little too accurate since the species doesn’t know how to live in peace from one horizon to another. One way or another, the utopia that many people think is possible with higher thinking and the cessation of hostilities isn’t bound to happen since the dystopia that many people appear ready to imagine is more attuned to the reality of humanity. The blindness factor in this story is a big stretch, but the general attitude that people have toward each other doesn’t feel inaccurate at all.
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