Rita Ora Tells Gordon Ramsay About the Time She was Turned Away from his Restaurant

Rita Ora Tells Gordon Ramsay About the Time She was Turned Away from his Restaurant

You can give Rita Ora this much at least, she didn’t want to dime out the restaurant that didn’t allow her to get in, thinking that Gordon Ramsay would let them have it. Of course if it was a dress code issue then restaurants typically have the right to refuse service if a person isn’t dressed accordingly. If it’s a fancy, five-star restaurant you wouldn’t normally go in with nothing but street clothes on, a lot of folks know this even if it sounds like a ridiculous rule. A restaurant is an eating establishment no matter if it’s a fancy, thirty-dollar a plate, ala carte-loving establishment or a peanuts on the floor, beer-serving roadhouse. They all serve food and they’re all there for one purpose, to serve the customers.

But society does tend to have rules that people are expected to follow and fine dining does usually require a set of nice clothes in order to even get in the door. So maybe that was the issue. Whatever the case it doesn’t sound like Rita really pushed to get in even if she might have thrown just a little bit of a fit. Gordon Ramsay however is the kind of guy that you don’t want getting on your case for even the slightest indiscretion, and not allowing a famous celebrity into one of his restaurants is something that more than one person could possibly get fired for. He might be the nice guy on the outside of work and off the set, but when it’s time for business I get the feeling that he’s the take no prisoners type.

If you’ve seen him on any show he’s ever been on where he’s in charge and attempting to get things done then you know he’s no slouch when it comes to chewing people out. Rita might not have wanted to name names, which is commendable, but there’s a good chance he’ll find out anyway. Like it or not a lot of finer restaurants do have dress codes and they do tend to enforce them. Some are a little too high and mighty for their own good but some are well deserving of their status and are easily able to demand that their guests conform to their desires and put on a nice suit and a tie or similar attire to enjoy their service.

The funny thing about those places is that half of them will have servers that will be all prim and proper in the front of the house but will be complete slobs in the back and quite possibly badmouth their customers whether its deserved or not. Ramsay might not want this to happen and won’t likely condone it if he ever sees or hears it, but the chances are good that it still happens. Fine dining doesn’t mean perfection in the front and back of the house after all.

It could have been a dress code thing, or it could have been the fact that a lot of people don’t seem to like Rita Ora for some reason. Maybe the host or hostess used the dress code excuse to cover up their dislike of Rita. It’s not a pleasant thought but it has happened to people before.


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