10 Things You Didn’t Know about Michael Rady

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Michael Rady

Michael Rady might not have the most recognizable name in Hollywood, but his face is instantly recognizable. He’s been in so many projects that everyone knows his face, and we are all learning his name the more he works. His talent has earned him a career that began in 2005 and has lasted more than 15 years, and he is proud of the work he is doing. Being an actor means you might not always have regular work, but this is one actor who has defied all of those odds and has managed to find regular work since becoming famous in the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” movies. Here’s everything you need to know about his life and his career.

1. He’s an 80s Kid

It was the best decade in which to grow up, and he was fortunate to experience most of the best decade. Born on August 20, 1981, Rady’s childhood very likely included long summer days playing outside with neighborhood friends until the sun went down, being outside all the time creating his own adventures, and certainly not creating TikTok dances and filming himself incessantly for his social media accounts. Those were the days.

2. He is from Philly

Rady’s childhood began in Philadelphia. He was born in Pennsylvania, though we don’t know if he was raised there. In fact, we know very little about his family and his childhood. We have a feeling he stuck around because he also attended college in the same city.

3. He Had a Huge First Role

When a person decides they want to become an actor, they don’t expect their first role to be a significant one. Maybe a guest role in this show, or a quick appearance as a nameless character serving drinks or coffee in that show. Michael Rady, however, took on the role of Kostas Dounas in the hit movie, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” and got to work with stars like Alexis Bledel and Blake Lively, among others. It was a huge role.

4. He’s a Hallmark Star

In addition to his huge hit roles in the ‘Traveling Pants,’ movies – because he did reprise that role in the sequel, he’s also done some major movies for some big networks. Hallmark is known for their cheesy, fun, completely addicting movies (who doesn’t have that channel on all day, every day during the Christmas season?), and he’s been cast in numerous movies for the famed network.

5. He is Married

Rady is a married man. While we don’t know when he got married or much about his wife, we do know that he wed a woman by the name of Rachael Kemery. They appear to be quite happy in their marriage. They spend a lot of time as a family in New York and California, and their kids are obviously front and center.

6. He’s A Proud Dad

Ask any dad who has kids and he will tell you that there is nothing more amazing than having some little people running around the house having fun and making memories with. He is a proud dad to three little ones: two little boys and a little girl. While he and his wife might have a house filled with noise and dangerous decisions – because little boys have an innate talent for making even the most mundane everyday activities as wildly dangerous as possible – they are proud parents to Ellington, August, and Olive.

7. He’s a Vegan

Throughout the course of his life, he’s made many decisions regarding his own personal health and his own personal choices. One such decision was the decision to become a vegan. While it’s unknown when he made the decision to become a vegan, he’s stuck with it for a while, and he does well with it.

8. He’s Had Some Cool Roles

Rady has had some of the best roles in Hollywood. He’s worked on some of the best shows, and that is something to be proud of. “Timeless,” “ER,” Jane the Virgin,” “The Resident,” and many more. His talent is unparalleled, and he is something of a television superstar.

9. He’s a Theater Grad

He knew he wanted to make his acting career a good one, so he learned as much as he could. After graduating high school, Rady enrolled in courses at Temple University in his hometown of Philly. He entered into the theater program, and he clearly studied hard and made all the right choices while he was there.

10. He’s Private

One thing we adore about this actor and his sweet family is that they share their downtime with their fans. He’s not afraid to share the fun he has with his wife and kids on his Instagram page, but he’s also not afraid to draw a line that keeps fans out of his personal life by only sharing snippets and not every single moment, detail, and private thought with his fans. That is not easy to do.Hallmark

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