10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kamari Bonds

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Kamari Bonds

From the moment Kamari Bonds made his first on-screen appearance on Twentysomethings: Austin, it was clear that he was going to be a special cast member. Not only did he become a fan favorite, but he was also very well liked among the other people in the house. His bright smile and infectious personality made it impossible not to like him. Even when he was caught in the middle of some sticky situations, he always managed to navigate things with ease. Although all of the episodes of the show have finally been released on Netflix, there are lots of people who are hoping to see much more of Kamari in the future. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about Kamari Bonds.

1. He’s All About Positivity

Kamari is the kind of person who refuses to let anything keep him down. No matter what kinds of obstacles life throws his way, he always does his best to see the bright side of every situation. There’s no doubt that this mindset has benefitted him several times throughout his life.

2. He Was A Football Player

Staying active is something that has always been important to Kamari. When he was younger, he was involved in sports and he was a member of his high school football team. Even though his days as a competitive athlete are over, Kamari still likes to work out as often as possible.

3. He Likes To Travel

Kamari is all about having as many memorable experiences as possible, and traveling has allowed him to do that. He loves visiting new places and he looks forward to learning about different people and traditions. As his modeling career continues to grow, he will probably get to visit even more great places.

4. He’s A Pretty Private Person

Despite the fact that Kamari is now a reality TV star, he isn’t the kind of person that likes to put his business on blast. In fact, he actually appears to be the opposite. During his time on Twentysomethings, Kamari didn’t share much about his personal life and his social media posts also don’t reveal much about him. It would be nice to know more about him, but it’s also easy to understand why he prefers not to share much.

5. He Studied Marketing

These days, Kamari is focused on building a strong career as a model. However, that wasn’t always his goal. When he was in college, he had different plans for his future. Kamari attended East Carolina University where he earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

6. Twentysomethings Is His First TV Experience

Anyone who saw Kamari on Twentysometings would probably agree that he was born to be in front of the camera. Surprisingly, though, being on Twentysomethings: Austin was his first time doing a TV show – reality or otherwise. Now that he’s gotten his foot in the door, it’ll be interesting to see if Kamari does more things within the entertainment industry.

7. He Loves Art

Kamari is a creative person through and through, and the arts have a strong influence on his life. While it doesn’t appear that he is an artist himself, he enjoys works of art created by other people. He recently started a highlight section on his Instagram profile dedicated to artistry.

8. He Likes To Read

Some people may have been quick to think that Kamari is nothing more than another good-looking guy, but that certainly isn’t the case. He loves learning new things and reading is one of his favorite ways to do that. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to find any information on Kamari’s favorite kinds of books.

9. It’s Unclear If He And Roxy Are Still An Item

During his time on Twentysomethings: Austin, Kamari started to form a tight bond with Roxy, another cast member. By the end of the season, they both seemed to be on the same page about continuing to get to know each other and seeing where it goes. Lots of viewers have been wondering if the two have continued to build a bond since their time on the show but it doesn’t look like either one of them have provided any kind of update.

10. He Likes To Cook

Just because Kamari is really serious about working out and keeping himself in good shape doesn’t mean that he can’t enjoy good food. Kamari enjoys spending time in the kitchen and he loves trying out new recipes. While on the show, he even made some shrimp and grits for Roxy and her response made it very clear that he did a good job.

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