credit: MCU
It does sound like good news for fans of Chris Hemsworth is going to decide to take on the mantle of Thor again, but it comes with a caveat: it would be Hemsworth’s last time as the iconic Asgardian hero. Considering that some folks might have thought that such a thing would have happened after Endgame or that Love and Thunder would have been his final run as the god of thunder. But as of now, it sounds as though he’s ready to don the costume and make one more run as one of the strongest Avengers, though it’s fair to state that few people might be able to guess what the next story would be, and how Hemsworth’s time in the MCU would finally end. To be fair, he’s lasted longer than a few others that were around when the MCU started, and it’s definitely time that he steps down and allows the next person in line to come in. But it definitely feels as though Thor would need to go out on a high note, especially since Hercules appears ready to enter the MCU.

credit: MCU
Should Thor die or simply head off into the unknown at the end of the next movie?
Killing Thor off doesn’t sound like the best of ideas, but it could be a way to move on from his role in the MCU. If he heads off into the unknown to do whatever, it’s fair to think that people will start to come up with theories on how he can come back and will start clamoring for his return. As of now, it feels as though Chris is ready to move on with his career, much as RDJ and Chris Evans did when they finally bowed out of the MCU. One can’t really blame him since it’s been surmised that a few MCU actors started feeling that it was time to go after being locked into their contracts for so long. It’s understandable, especially since there are a lot of other roles that actors discover and want to experience throughout their careers. Being stuck in a franchise for so long can kill their career, even if it makes them famous. But if there’s one thing that needs to happen, it’s that Thor needs to be given a proper sendoff in his final movie.
There’s no doubt that he needs to meet up with Hercules.
After the post-credit scene in Thor: Love and Thunder, it was established that Hercules would be making his way into the MCU, so a meeting between these two is definitely needed. But after a struggle to see who the mightier of the two divinely-powered beings will be victorious, it’s fair to think that they should be set against an enemy that’s enough for both of them, let alone one of them. Who that enemy could be is hard to say, but it would have to be someone powerful enough to be classified as a cosmic-level threat, meaning that it could be one of the beings that has been discussed but never revealed yet. There are still plenty of enemies that could be used for such an endeavor.

credit: MCU
Wondering if Thor is ever going to be recast feels a bit wrong, but possible.
At the moment, it doesn’t feel as though anyone is going to be recast unless there’s no other choice, especially since recasting someone is going to be a tricky issue considering that fans have grown so used to Hemsworth in the role. The same can be said of Anthony Mackie taking over the role of Captain America, but the difference is that role underwent a transition on screen that might not be widely accepted but is still going to feel more natural than someone simply being recast. There were rumors that Black Panther was going to be recast, and apparently, Chadwick Boseman’s family was even for this change, but ultimately it didn’t happen, and it doesn’t think that it would happen with Thor either, but it’s not wise to say never when it comes to the MCU, since there’s always a chance that something could happen that would change the entire landscape of the franchise.
Would Taika Waititi direct another Thor movie?
It appears that Chris and Taika Waititi were both a little surprised to hear that Thor will return at the end of Love and Thunder, but that still leaves the question of whether or not Taika would take on another Thor project since a lot of people have enjoyed what he’s done with the idea thus far and it’s fair to think that people might believe that Taika can give the hero a great sendoff. It’s tough to say what it would be and if Taika would even be interested, but if another Thor movie is bound to be on the way eventually, it’s fair to state that Taika might be the right guy to direct it.
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