10 Things You Didn’t Know about Gia Kim

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Gia Kim

Gia Kim is not a household name, but she will be. She’s a relatively new actress who has had a few roles to speak of, but it’s her new role in an upcoming Netflix series we will touch on a little later that is going to change the game for her. For now, though, here’s what we know about this highly private actress.

1. She’s an Actress

She is well-known for her role in the project titled XO, Kitty. It is where most people recognize her from her role as Yuri. She’s been in one episode of the show so far, but it is also her biggest claim to fame, per her IMDb page.

2. She is Not Active Online

While she does have social media, she’s not entirely active. For example, she has an Instagram account that currently boasts around 514 followers, and she’s only posted to the account 6 times. She follows 243 people. The oldest and first post on her page was posted on February 23, 2022. She’s not entirely active.

3. She is a Fan of Gratitude

She will tell her fans, though she is not entirely active, that gratitude is what you need in life. She knows that being grateful for what you have is the best way to end up with more. If you don’t appreciate what you have in a given moment, how will you ever be happy? You can’t be unhappy where you are and expect things to improve.

4. She is a Fan of Selfies

Of her six Instagram posts, four of them are selfies. She’s a fan of them, from what we can tell, and we don’t blame her. She’s gorgeous, and anyone so naturally beautiful should want to spend as much time sharing that with the world as possible.

5. She is Headed to Netflix

She might have another role that is her biggest claim to fame – so far – but that is about to change for this young actress. She was recently cast in a new Netflix series called “To All the Boys,” and it’s going to be something special. She’s stoked about the new role and she shared her excitement as well as the names of everyone else cast in the show on her social pages.

6. She is an Art Fan

Art is subjective. Some people see something beautiful and peaceful in a piece while others see something dark and depressing, and that is the beauty of artwork. It was never meant to be viewed the same by every single person. It is meant to evoke specific feelings in a person based on their own feelings, their life, and their past experiences. She’s a fan of art, and she showed some photos of herself touring a gallery and appreciating the work of those with such talent.

7. She Believes in Focus

We know she is a woman who appreciates her life and has a lot of gratitude for what she’s been given, but she encourages those who follow her to remember something important. It’s easy to be grateful when you have something you always prayed for and worked for, but it’s just as easy to forget your gratitude when you have it every single day and it becomes part of your everyday life. She wants people to remember to appreciate the everyday things, too, because they were once things you merely prayed for.

8. She is Focused on the Simple Things

Yes, she is happy her career is taking off. Yes, she is happy her dreams are coming true. However, she is happiest to have working legs, and she is happy to have her senses. She appreciates the littles things in life because she is aware that those are really the biggest aspects of life and the most important things in life. She’s focused on the good and the most amazing, and that is where her gifts can be found.

9. She Loves a Concert

She went to her first concert in May of 2022 – not her first ever. Her first in three years. She was so happy about it, and she posted that it was something that really did nourish her soul and made her feel so good. She is a great example of what life is all about.

10. She is Inherently Private

She’s not sharing a darn thing with the world that she doesn’t want us to know, and she doesn’t even feel bad about it. She’s happy to do what she does and live the life she lives, but she is also worried about maintaining her own sense of privacy – and we cannot think of anything lovelier.

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