While we have slowly recovered from the suspense of the first season of House of the Dragon and await its next season, it only brings back the feeling we all shared with Game of Thrones.
Yes, we might have struggled to move on from Game of Thrones, but the chosen ending had some fans angry. Everyone had unique expectations of how the series finale should end. While we all trusted George R. R. Martin and the series creators for their direction and storyline for the first seven seasons, we had individual endings on our minds.
But the series ending wasn’t just random. It was all intended to bring the entire season’s stories full circle. To help with its understanding and significance, let’s examine some notable ending scenes one after the other and why the showrunners chose to keep them that way.
The Death of Daenerys

credit: Game of Thrones
For a long time through the series’ seasons, fans were rooting for and hoping that Daenerys and Jon Snow would rule Westeros as King and Queen or Queen and King Consort, or however it’s suited in King’s Landing. However, it was a tragic end for Daenerys as she had her lover and most trusted ally stab her to death with a dagger.
While this action took many fans by surprise, it was one that was similar to the death of her father, Aerys II, The Mad King. Like her father, The Mad King, Daenerys had become obsessed with power, and even Jon Snow couldn’t control her.
The Mad King had become uncontrollable and went crazy. He ordered that the city be burned with wildfire. Betrayed by his Hand, Tywin Lannister, The Mad King, will be stabbed in the back by Jamie Lannister. This earned him the nickname of Kingslayer. On the other hand, Daenerys burns the city with dragon fire as she conquers the city. Like Tywin Lannister to The Mad King, her trusted ally Jon Snow would betray her.
Drogon Melting the Iron Throne

credit: Game of Thrones
It doesn’t take much to see the grief Drogon was in when he saw that Daenerys was dead. Besides the fact that he wouldn’t necessarily hurt a Targaryen, in the person of Jon Snow, Drogon’s action was also rather symbolic.
The Iron Throne was built by the first Targaryen King, Aegon I, and had been the seat of power for 300 years. With the death of Daenerys, the only surviving Targaryen bloodline was Jon Snow. Punished and banished from the kingdom to serve in the Night Watch means he’ll never have kids. Although this happened after Drogon’s action, melting the Iron Throne was the symbolic end of the Targaryen dynasty and rule.
Then again, if dragons could speak, Drogon was fed up with the madness that ran in the Targaryen bloodline and decided enough was enough.
Ned Stark’s Kids Become Rulers

credit: Game of Thrones
In a world of justice and equity, this was a perfect compensation to Ned Stark. With the Targaryen bloodline displaced, Tyrion Lannister suggested Bran Stark become the ruler of the six kingdoms. The seventh breakaway kingdom, the North, would be ruled by his sister Sands. It was the only condition she gave to put her vote for Bran.
At the end of the series’ first season, all of Ned Stark’s kids were thrown out of the North in hiding. Game of Thrones‘ ending certainly restored balance to a nobleman and his house.
Arya Stark’s Journeys Into The Sunset

credit: Game of Thrones
Unarguably the best character in the series ending, Arya Stark, has transitioned from being the little Stark daughter to a masterful assassin. While fans had hoped that Jon Snow would be the one to kill the Night King, only a few could guess the glory would belong to Arya Stark.
Arya Stark had long killed the idea of returning to the Stark’s home in the North to live as a Lady of Winterfell. As an expert face-changing assassin, Westeros was no longer a place where her skills would be needed. Instead, she gladly journeys through the Sunset Sea to find adventure beyond the coast of Westeros.
Other notable ending scenes include having Tyrion Lannister head a new small council as the Hand of King Bran. As King Bran puts it, being his Hand is more of a punishment for Tyrion, as he must now undo the atrocities his conniving and deceitfulness cause to Westeros. We also see Grey Worm fulfill his promise To Missandei.
Although both couldn’t live as freemen in Naath, with Missandei killed by Queen Cersei, he tells the Unsullied that they’ll travel to Naath. It’s probably his way of fulfilling the promise and ensuring little girls are not turned into slaves anymore.
What Game of Thrones ending captivated you the most, and what do you think of its significance?
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