Does Fast X Have An End Credits Scene? Should You Wait Around?

The long-awaited Fast X has hit cinemas, revving up earnings at the box office. While ardent fans of the franchise know to buckle up for more automobile pandemonium, it is equally important to be informed about possible post-credits scenes. The film has been in the pipeline since 2014, but filming commenced on April 21, 2022. Within a short time in cinemas, Fast X has attracted mostly positive reviews with the thrilling twists it has to offer.

Also known as Fast & Furious 10, Fast X has a star-studded ensemble cast that includes fan-favorites Vin Diesel as Dominic Toretto and Michelle Rodriguez as Letty Ortiz. Other new and returning stars to look out for include Brie Larson (Tess), Jason Statham (Deckard Shaw), Tyrese Gibson (Roman Pearce), Jason Momoa (Dante Reyes), and John Cena (Jakob Toretto). The film throws massive plot twists at audiences as Dom rallies to protect his family and team from Dante Reyes’s blood-thirsty revenge.

Fast X Does Have A Post-Credits Scene

Dante Reyes in Fast X

Indeed, there is every need to wait around after the film, but the wait won’t be a long one. Fast X has a mid-credits scene that appears to hint at a buried hatchet regarding a franchise feud. The mid-credits scene gives fans a glimpse of a prominent star who was presumed to have left the franchise, leaving audiences hungry for more. Dwayne Johnson (Luke Hobbs) has not made an appearance in Fast & Furious since 2017. It was no thanks to the beef that started between him and Vin Diesel during the filming of The Fate of the Furious. He vowed never to return to the franchise. However, midway through the Fast X credits, an adrenaline-pumping cliffhanger reveals Johnson’s days are far from over. While the first post-credits scene is very exciting, there’s no point waiting around for a second one.

Is Fast X’s Post-Credits Scene Worth Waiting For?

Dwayne Johnson as Agent Luke Hobbs

Fast X‘s mid-credits scene is absolutely worth the wait, and it’s not just a silly joke. The scene is relevant to the unfolding plot of the franchise, especially for The Rock fans. The Fast X post-credits scene confirms that Dwayne Johnson’s Hobbs has officially returned to the Fast & Furious family and the tension is mounting for what is to come. In the mid-credits, Dante Reyes makes his intention to avenge his father’s death clear, and the target this time is not just Dom and his team. However, Hobbs seems to be battle ready, daring the drug kingpin to come for him. All in all, the Fast X post-credits scene throws more light on what to expect in the final two installments of the franchise. Overall, the plot twists blaze a trail to an action-packed Fast & Furious 11.

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