Every David Fincher Movie Ranked

David Fincher is a renowned visionary filmmaker who was born in Denver, Colorado on August 28, 1962. Before he became one of the leading directors in Hollywood, Fincher rose to prominence directing TV commercials and music videos. He has directed commercials for huge corporate giants like Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, and Pepsi.

However, it was Fincher’s music videos where he really got to shine and showcase his artistic vision. He has directed music videos for esteemed artists like Madonna, The Rolling Stones, and Michael Jackson. After spending over a decade formulating and crafting his own unique style, David Fincher crossed over into movies in 1992. Now over three decades later, Fincher is releasing his twelfth feature film, The Killer. As we gear up for the Netflix thriller, let’s rank all David Fincher movies that are currently released, from worst to best.

11. Mank

Gary Oldman and Amanda Seyfried in Mank (2020)

David Fincher’s 2020 biopic Mank is a captivating film that tells the story of screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz and his tumultuous journey to write the iconic American classic, Citizen Kane. Starring Gary Oldman as Mankiewicz, the film is an exploration of the complex and thundering relationship between Mankiewicz and Citizen Kane director and producer Orson Welles.

Oldman is captivating in the role of Mankiewicz, fully embodying the character’s enigmatic and often contradictory nature. In fact he was nominated for an Oscar for his performance. Additionally, Fincher was nominated for Best Director. The movie won two Academy Awards, most notably for Best Cinematography, thanks to Fincher’s decision to shoot the film in black and white.

10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Brad Pitt, Peter Donald Badalamenti II, Taraji P. Henson, and Lance E. Nichols in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a unique and emotionally charged tale of reverse ageing. Based on the 1920s short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the film follows the life of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), who is born in his eighties and ages in reverse. Fincher’s direction and storytelling expertly balances the unique plot with a character-driven narrative, exploring the themes of life, death, and time in a poetic and captivating way. The visual effects are used to full impact, creating a visually striking piece of cinema, and widely appreciated as one of the most notable movies from David Fincher.

9. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2010 mystery thriller based on the novel of the same name by Stieg Larsson. With David Fincher at the helm, the film follows journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), who is hired by Henrik Vanger to investigate the unsolved disappearance of his great-niece, Harriet. Blomkvist is aided in the investigation by Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), a computer hacker. Through their investigations, they uncover a sinister conspiracy involving a powerful family whose dark secrets go back for generations. The film was a critical and commercial success, and it spawned a sequel, The Girl in the Spider’s Web. However, David Fincher stepped away from the series for the sequel. As a result, the next chapter failed to deliver the emotional depth and dialogue driven pace that David Fincher movies are renowned for.

8. Alien 3

Sigourney Weaver and Tom Woodruff Jr. in Alien 3 (1992) - David Fincher movies

Alien 3 marked the directorial debut for David Fincher as he crossed over from music videos and TV commercials to cinema to movies. After the glaring success of the first two movies, there was a massive amount of weight on Fincher’s shoulders to deliver. However, it showcased his skills and kickstarted a legendary career. The movie differs in tone from the first two Alien movies.

Ridley Scott‘s original classic exists comfortably within the horror genre, whereas James Cameron‘s Aliens took the series into the action genre. By the time Fincher came on board, he spliced the series with his own signature style. Although the action was still there, Fincher honed in on the characters, driving the narrative through dialogue and eerie visuals. This became a signature stylistic trait for Fincher and set the tone for a successful career as a filmmaker who has explored many genres.

7. The Game

Michael Douglas in The Game (1997)

David Fincher’s mind-bending thriller, The Game is a idiosyncratic exploration of control and reality. When Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas), a wealthy investment banker, receives an unusual birthday gift from his estranged brother, he is quickly drawn into a mysterious and dangerous game. As the game progresses, Nicholas’s life begins to unravel, and he discovers that the game has an unexpected and far-reaching impact on his life. The film’s twisty plot and dazzling action sequences make for an immersive thriller. However, Fincher still delivers his signature character driven narrative, exploring themes of fate, deception, and the power of money.

6. Panic Room

Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart in Panic Room (2002)

By the time Panic Room hit movie theaters in 2002, David Fincher had already become a household name in Hollywood. Once again, he delivered an expertly crafted thriller, utilising innovative camera techniques that thrust the viewer into the terrifying situation of the plot. The film follows a divorced woman and her young diabetic daughter who move into a new home after the crumbling of their family life. What makes their beautiful home so unique is the panic room installed in the upstairs bedroom – a room they will seek refuge in when they face the mercy of a group of thieves.

Although the movie had a simple premise, it became one of Fincher’s biggest budget movies. Furthermore, the production was rocked when Nicole Kidman left the film after suffering an injury during filming. However, Jodie Foster stepped into the role, and Fincher carved one of her finest performances with his tight direction.

5. Gone Girl

Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike in Gone Girl (2014) - David Fincher movies

Gone Girl is a taut thriller based on the book by the same name from overnight sensation author, Gillian Flynn. While many Hollywood adaptations hire a new writer to helm the script, Fincher decided to work with the original author, staying true to her vision. The result is one of the finest thrillers of the last few decades.

Gone Girl follows the story of Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck), a man who becomes the focus of a media frenzy when his wife mysteriously vanishes. As detectives dig deep into his past, Nick remains adamant that he has nothing to do with his wife’s disappearance. To that, he embarks on a quest to find the truth. The movie was a smash hit and saw Rosamund Pike nominated for an Oscar for her immersive rendition. Furthermore, Gone Girl boasts a roaring soundtrack from Oscar-winning composers Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.

4. Zodiac

Robert Downey Jr. and Jake Gyllenhaal in Zodiac (2007)

While there have been many movies that depict the mysterious murders of the Zodiac killer, none have served the true story justice quite like Zodiac from David Fincher. As of 2023, the killer has never been found. This makes crafting a story about the killings rather difficult. However, Fincher managed to create a compelling movie that focused on the people behind the scenes who played an instrumental role in the investigation of one of America’s most notorious serial killers. With slick pacing, stylistic visuals, and abstract camera angles, Fincher crafted a tightly-constructed, haunting masterpiece. To that, he further cemented his place as one of the finest thriller filmmakers in Hollywood.

3. The Social Network

Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network (2010) - David Fincher movies

As David Fincher’s career has progressed, he has displayed a penchant for dealing with real life events. To many, a movie focused on the rise of Facebook could seem bland and lacking in drama. However, the real events regarding the rise of Facebook were extremely tumultuous. With that, Fincher delivered one of the finest movies of the 2010s. In fact, The Social Network was nominated for eight Academy Awards and took home three.

Where the movie really shines is with Fincher’s delivery of the story. Although the film is a biopic, Fincher treats it like a thriller. From a moody colour grading that is prominent throughout, to snappy fast paced dialogue and intense looming music that juxtaposes the scene, The Social Network is a masterpiece of captivation and immersion.

2. Seven

Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman in Seven (1995)

Seven is a psychological thriller that follows two detectives, Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Mills (Brad Pitt), as they investigate a series of murders based on the seven deadly sins. The movie is set in a dreary, rain-soaked city and follows the detectives as they search for a mysterious killer. As they uncover clues, they slowly unravel a sinister plot that is more complex than they could have ever imagined.

Seven was David Fincher’s sophomore motion picture and put him on the map as one of the finest filmmakers in the world. The film has become a classic, with its brooding atmosphere and slick writing. It is highly regarded as one of the greatest thrillers ever made, with its ending widely considered one of the greatest movie twists in cinema history.

1. Fight Club

Brad Pitt, Paul Dillon, and Holt McCallany in Fight Club (1999) - David Fincher movies

Fight Club  follows an unnamed protagonist, played by Edward Norton, who is suffering from insomnia. As he searches for a deeper meaning to life, he soon  meets Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and his world is turned upside down. Together, the two form an underground fight club, that eventually evolves into a far-reaching anarchist movement.

Fight Club marked the second time Fincher and Pitt teamed up after their successful collaboration in Seven. Once again, Fincher delivered one of the most impressive twists in cinema history. Although it received mixed reviews from critics, the movie has since become a cult classic. In fact, as of 2023, Fight Club sits comfortably at number 12 on IMDB’s 250 top rated movies.

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