10 Things You Didn’t Know about Caulin Donaldson

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Caulin Donaldson

Influencer culture has gotten a pretty bad rap over the years. Lots of people assume that all influencers are attention seekers who don’t contribute anything meaningful to society. Caulin Donaldson is one of the many who is proving that isn’t the case at all. Over the last couple of years, Caulin has built an online following that includes millions of people. His content is centered around picking up trash on local beaches in his home state of Florida. Just by posting, he has inspired people to be more mindful of the environment and many of them have started picking up trash, too. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about Caulin Donaldson.

1. He’s Originally From St. Petersburg

As a St. Petersburg, FL resident, I couldn’t help but feel a little excitement when I saw that Caulin was born here. He was raised just a few minutes away in Seminole. Growing up near the beach allowed him to develop lots of appreciation for the beauty of nature.

2. He Got His Start on YouTube

These days, Caulin is best known for the content he posts on TikTok. However, he actually started his online journey on YouTube when he was a pre-teen.  Even though YouTube isn’t the platform that brought him fame, it did inspire him to take a TV production class when he was in high school. There’s no doubt those skills have come in handy for him as a content creator.

3. An Old Job Opened His Eyes to People Leaving Trash on the Beach

Despite growing up near the water, Caulin didn’t always realize how much trash was regularly left on the beach. It wasn’t until he started working with a watersports company in St. Pete Beach that he realized just how bad things were. Instead of sitting back and doing nothing, he felt inspired to make some positive changes.

4. He Has Some Acting Experience

Apparently, recording videos for social media isn’t the only time that Caulin has been in front of a camera. His page on IMDB reports that he has several acting credits that include movies, TV shows, and feature films. That said, it’s unclear if he has plans to pursue a professional acting career.

5. He Likes His Privacy

There are lots of influencers who love letting the world in on their personal lives. However, more and more, we’re seeing people who like to keep their online personas separate from who they are in real life. While it’s true that Caulin’s online presence does tie into something that he really is passionate about, he has chosen to keep the focus on his clean-up efforts and has not shared much personal information.

6. He Isn’t Only Concerned With Trash on Beaches

Most people who are familiar with Caulin know about his dedication to cleaning up beaches. What they may not know, though, is that beaches aren’t the only area where he picks up trash. He has also shown an interest in ensuring that other places are free of garbage.

7. He’s All About Positivity

With so much negativity in the world, it can be hard not to let that information consume you. However, through his work and his content, Caulin hopes to be a positive presence in the world. So far, I think it’s safe to say that he has become a positive force in lots of people’s lives.

8. He Hosts Cleanups In Real Life

When Caulin first started his social media journey, he was essentially working as a one-man cleanup crew. However, along with building an online following, he has also hosted several cleanup events in Pinellas County where people have come out to help him remove trash from local beaches. He plans to do even more cleanups in the future.

9. He Has More Than 40 Million Likes on TikTok

The fact that Caulin has over a million followers on TikTok is definitely something to be proud of. However, what’s even more impressive is the fact that his videos have gotten a total of more than 41.5 million likes. Thanks to the engaged following he’s built, Caulin is now able to be a full-time influencer.

10. He Enjoys Working with His Friends

We’ve all been told time and time again that it’s never a good idea to mix business with pleasure. However, there are lots of people who enjoy people able to do what they love with the people they love, and Caulin is one of them. In a tweet in May 2022, he wrote, “being able to hire my friends is so cool, I really am blessed”.

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