Betty White’s Home Demolished and Fans Overreact

Betty White’s Home Demolished and Fans Overreact

Credit: Golden Girls

Fans have invested entirely in celebrities’ lives for quite a while now. It’s fair to assume that many of those who follow their favorite stars and are aware of their habits, when their career started, and how their lives have gone for the entirety of said career is a little creepy but also devoted. However, it is a bit unnerving to think that there are fans that will be actively offended by the part of their favorite celebrity for just about anything without taking the time to figure out the facts. Betty White was one of the most well-beloved icons in the history of Hollywood, and she was also one of the most revered. When news reached the internet concerning the demolition of her home in Los Angeles, California, though, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise that many fans would react without thinking over why such a thing had happened. The pictures on social media couldn’t satisfy many fans since it was considered a severe insult and dishonor to White’s memory to tear her home down so soon after her passing. While it’s been nearly a year since she passed, many fans don’t appear to believe that this is long enough to consider knocking her home down, and many people have decided to make their displeasure known online. 

Betty White’s Home Demolished and Fans Overreact

Credit: Lake Placid

When fans react instead of thinking first, it becomes easy to feel outraged

Some people work off pure emotion and don’t use logic and rational thinking to guide their actions. The visceral reaction to White’s home being torn down was easy to expect since far too many fans will read a headline and react without thinking of what might be written in the article below. This is one huge reason trash rags are so popular they play heavily on the emotional and gullible responses of the masses to push their ideas. While much of what’s written in this manner is supposed to be entertainment, much of it is believed by those who are ready and willing to look beyond what they know and let their emotions and intuition guide them. In Betty White’s home, though, many of those individuals might need to read a few articles before allowing their anger to take over. 

Betty knew what was going to happen to her home upon her death

The actress wasn’t kept in the dark about what would happen to her home, and it’s fair to say that while it might have been a hard decision, she was likely happy with how things turned out since the sale of her home was a ‘tear-down sale’, which meant that the buyer wanted the property, not the home. Of course, people can get bent out of shape all they want when it comes to the idea of White’s home being torn down, but the actress was well aware of what this would mean and made sure that the money that was used to purchase the property would go to the charities that she was involved in. If people need a further explanation, this means that her home didn’t trump the idea of helping the charities that she’d been helping for some time, meaning that White was an even better person than many already believed her to be.

Betty White’s Home Demolished and Fans Overreact

Credit: The Proposal

There’s nothing wrong with being attached to parts of history, but being offended on behalf of someone is a bit silly

Some might say that a house is just a house, and they’re not entirely wrong. The memories one makes within a home are what we tend to take with us, while the physical representation isn’t bound to last forever. It feels easy to state that Betty was wise enough to know that once she was gone, her memory would live on, but her home would become far less important and would do more good if it sold and donated the money to causes she felt were worth her time. The idea that the fans who are so outraged haven’t seen this yet is interesting, but it’s a big hope that many will turn around and realize that White knew what she was doing. 

Betty White will remain an icon; tearing down a building doesn’t change anything

People don’t want to hear this now; that is clear. But perhaps when things settle down, if they haven’t already, many of those who were adamant that her home needed to be left alone would realize why demolishing her home is not that big of a deal. Betty was and will remain an icon for years to come. At some point, her home would have been the least of anyone’s concerns. 

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