Credit: @angelcherylladd
Cheryl Ladd rose to fame when she was one of the (almost) original Charlie’s Angels. She was a bombshell back then, and she’s still one today. She’s also managed to become quite the hit on the reality show, Dancing With the Stars. She didn’t win, but she did bring her A game, and it was strong. However, fans want to know more about her. Some people are too young to remember her as an OG Angel, but we want to tell you more about the glorious Cheryl Ladd.
1. Cheryl Ladd is In Her 70s
You’d never know it by looking at her, but this summer baby was born on July 12, 1951. She turned 71 in 2022, and she’s more fabulous than ever. She was born in Huron, South Dakota, but she knew the small-town life was not for her.
2. She’s a Musician
She wanted to work in the music industry, but that is not quite how it worked out for Cheryl Ladd. She came to Hollywood to work but became a lot more famous for her acting. Ladd did land a role using her voice to sing as one of the Pussycat Dolls when it was an animated series, and she did travel with a band for a while. Ultimately, however, it was her acting career that made her famous.
3. Cheryl Ladd Replaced Farrah Fawcett
What’s funny is that people always remember Farrah Fawcett as part of Charlie’s Angels, but she was only part of the show for one year. She signed on in 1976 to play the role of an angel, but she left before the second season to pursue movie roles. Few people remember that she was only an angel for a year. At the same time, most people forget that Ladd was not an original angel.

Credit: @angelcherylladd
4. Cheryl Ladd Performed the National Anthem
Still interested in her music, she jumped at the chance to sing the National Anthem at the beginning of Super Bowl XIV. She was so excited to do it; it was a huge opportunity for her. It was 1980, and the crowd was wild to hear Charlie’s Angel singing to them.
5. She Was Made for Television Movies
She also had a career in the movies, but not quite the big screen adaptations. Cheryl Ladd starred in a staggering 30 or more made-for-television movies. This is a huge deal, and she is quite proud of the work she did during that time. She made the transition look so easy, and she enjoyed it.
6. She Still Uses Her Ex-Husband’s Name
When she married David Ladd in 1973, she took his name. When she and the actor divorced in 1980, she kept it. We are unsure why, but we feel it had to do with her career. She was already famous for using that name, so why change it? Additionally, she and her ex-husband are parents, and she may have wanted to keep the same last name as her daughter.
7. She is Remarried
Only a year after her divorce was finalized, Cheryl Ladd was remarried. She doesn’t use her husband’s last name, though. She is married to a producer named Brian Russell. He has a daughter, too, and she is a stepmother.
8. She Was Not in the Audience When Elvis Made His Musical Comeback in 1968
The world has long since said that Cheryl Ladd was in the audience watching the night that Elvis Presley made his musical comeback. It was December 1968, and she was not. She cannot understand where this rumor came from, but she assumes there must have been someone in the audience who bears a striking resemblance to her. Ladd was a sophomore in high school and not in attendance at his show. She does think it would have been amazing to be in Las Vegas rather than South Dakota, but it was not her.

Credit: @angelcherylladd
9. She Thought it Was Now or Never for Reality Television Dancing
She knew it was now or never when she decided she would be part of the Dancing with the Stars cast. She’s 71, and she is not getting any younger. Even the much younger people who participate in the show are outspoken about the toll it takes on their bodies and how difficult it is to be part of such a rigorous show. The rehearsals, the performances, the sheer amount of time it takes to do this is a lot, and she knew. If she didn’t do it this season, she wasn’t doing it.
10. She Tried to Talk Jacqueline Smith into Dancing
Her friend from their Charlie’s Angels days said no, though. Well, she told Ladd that her body said no. This is not something we are shocked by. Dancing is hard on the body, and some of us don’t want to exhaust ourselves more than we already are by taking on something like this. It seems like a lot.
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