credit: Marvel Comics
It’s very likely that a lot of people are going to think I’m delusional for even saying this, but some might decide to think that it’s possible. Wolverine has taken on a lot of powerful enemies over the years, and some have been way above his weight class, which means that he’s not just a character that gains his popularity from the fans. Stating that Wolverine can beat Doomsday is one thing, but stating that he can kill the creature for good is, well, it’s beyond the realm of believability, even for fiction.
What a lot of people need to remember is that anytime a hero or a villain is challenged by someone that appears to be inferior to them, it’s not a matter of whether they can win. It’s a matter of whether or not the writer of this story is going to show bias toward one character or if they’re going to try to keep things even.
The truth is that Marvel and DC have been rivals for many years, and while many of their characters are extremely powerful, there are certain characters that have been amped up to such extremes that it feels as though the companies have been run by children or adolescents that are intent on proving that their characters are better than the other company’s. In this case, it does make sense to say that Doomsday is more powerful than Wolverine by a lot, but it’s also fair to say that DC fans appear to be underestimating Logan more than a little, considering that he’s been around for a while.

credit: DC Comics
Yes, Doomsday is stronger.
Doomsday is a lot stronger, a lot faster, apparently, and far more durable. But apart from that, his ability to counter Logan and stomp him, as many believe he would, is centered around the idea that Logan would stand toe to toe with him. Some might think that this is all Wolverine has, that he would just stand and try to trade blows with Doomsday.
Not only is he not that dumb, but a lot of people are fully ready to discount the idea that Logan’s claws could penetrate Doomsday’s body. Let’s take a quick measure, though, since Logan has managed to cut into Thanos, the Hulk, Gladiator, and a few others, who are on par with the man of steel and even with Doomsday depending on the story and the writer.
People might not want to admit it, but Logan’s claws have done more damage than they might think, meaning that the bone armor that Doomsday has might not be enough to stand up to adamantium.
Wolverine is a superior fighter and has far less plot armor.
Doomsday is a survivor and a brawler, but he’s not necessarily much of a fighter. I can imagine that a lot of people are going to say that this doesn’t matter since Doomsday only has to land a few hits to really put Wolverine through the ground. But the idea of being a better fighter means Logan has the experience and could possibly think circles around the big gray monster, which means he would be able to think up a way to take Doomsday down and perhaps even figure out a better mode of attack.
A thinking fighter is one of Doomsday’s weaknesses, like it or not, since the thuggish creature tends to walk his way through just about everything while pummeling it with his fists. Experience and superior fighting skills, not to mention the capacity to lure an enemy into an ideal killing field, would work in Logan’s favor.

credit: Marvel Comics
Wolverine is a more tactical fighter than Doomsday.
Getting back to the idea that Logan wouldn’t stand face-to-face with Doomsday (he’s not an idiot), it stands to reason that he would find a way to lure Doomsday into a scenario that would be highly unfavorable to him. It’s tough to say what that might look like, but there are a lot of ways that Wolverine could lure Doomsday into a confrontation that would be less than favorable. There are a lot of ifs in this scenario, but there’s always a chance that an opponent can be beaten. Toe to toe, Wolverine goes down and keeps going down unless Doomsday leaves him for dead and moves on. Then, Wolverine will heal and keep coming.
Like it or not, the fanboys make this fight happen, and the fanboys want to believe in the idea that the bigger opponent will stomp without question.
When the fans are involved, any theory can be debunked or made real enough to see it play out. The fanboys of DC and Marvel have spoken on this before, and many of them have voted for Doomsday as the winner. But take into account what’s been stated. Wolverine probably couldn’t kill Doomsday, but he could beat him. That much is easy to say for certain.
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