Why Karlie Kloss Decided to Leave “Project Runway”

Why Karlie Kloss Decided to Leave “Project Runway”

Karlie Kloss is well-known for her role as a model. She’s been in the business since she was only 14 after she was discovered at a runway show benefitting a local charity in her area. She was in Chicago at the time, and she was asked to pose for a cover of a local magazine. She did so, and her career basically took off. She was born in Chicago. Her mother was a director and her father was an emergency room physician at a local hospital. They lived there until their daughter was two. That’s when they relocated the family to St. Louis. They moved to New York when she became a model so that they could help her follow her dreams. Kloss was born on August 3, 1992, and she married her husband, Joshua Kushner, in 2018. Together, they welcomed their first baby in March of 2021. She’s making headlines left and right for her modeling career, and now she’s making headlines because she decided to leave her job with “Project Runway,” and her fans want to know why.

She’s Always Learning

If there is one thing we’ve learned about Karlie Kloss over the years, it is that she is never going to tie herself down to one job for long. She was born with a natural love of learning, and her life has taken her along the path of being able to do that with ease. She knows she can do things her own way, that she can figure out how she’s going to manage her future, and that she’s got the power to do things how she sees fit. She was once a Victoria’s Secret Angel – only the best of the best get the title of Angel – but left the position in 2015. She wanted to do something else, so she went to college. She studied at NYU. She’s done many things in her life, but she always has a happy place in her heart for the jobs she’s had. She will not be gone forever from the show. She’s simply stepping down from her role as the main host of the show. She took over in 2018 after supermodel Heidi Klum left the show. She did the job for a while, but then COVID shut down production for two years. In the time that she was ‘off’ work for pandemic reasons, a lot changed in her life. She will come back throughout the new seasons as a guest appearance kind of gal, and that’s because she loves this show so much.

Life is Different Now

The simple truth of the matter is that she made the decision to make her way down to a guest appearance role on the show, and the world should respect that. If we had to guess, we’d imagine having a newborn baby at home played a part in that decision. Most new moms do want more creative freedom with their schedules and their lives. They want to see their kids grow up. They want to take that time to be with them. She’s a wife and a mom who has her own beliefs and her own ideas about life and where it should take her. She might have left the show for some of these reasons. She might not have done so for any of these reasons. What we know for certain is that she’s had a lot of changes in her life the past few years, and she also had a lot of downtime in her life, too. This means she’s a woman who will make the best of her life, the most of her decisions, and she’s maturing as she gets older. We all want different things over time, and that’s her decision.

Additionally, the show has also chosen to do away with the traditional hosting duties. There will not be a traditional host any longer, and there are some who wonder if the show simply did not ask her back in a traditional hosting role, or if they decided that they wanted to go this route after she made the decision to leave the show based on her own life and what she envisions for her future. While we don’t know the answers to any of those questions, we do know that she’s not coming back, the show will work differently in terms of hosting, and we can all expect to see different things from this point on. We cannot wait to see what she’s got going on, and we cannot wait to see how the show works.

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