20 Facts You Need to Know About Ariana Sky Magro, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s Daughter

Ariana Sky Magro is the young daughter of Jersey Shore star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley. Due to the public controversies of her parents, right after and before she was born, Ariana Sky Magro was under the public spotlight before she could even begin to understand what it meant. But as she navigated childhood with the backdrop of fame, Ariana remained a beloved and cherished figure in both her parent’s lives. 

This list delves into intriguing facts about her, from her rich Puerto Rican and Italian heritage to her parents’ co-parenting journey. Discover more about the life of Ariana Sky Magro, an innocent child whose life story is intertwined with the glitz, glam, and challenges of celebrity culture. Let’s get started.

1. She’s the Daughter of a Famous Reality Star

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro with his Daughter

Ariana Sky Magro is Ronnie Ortiz-Magro‘s daughter, renowned for his Jersey Shore stint. Her early life has been amidst the media due to her father’s fame. She’s now a familiar name among reality TV fans.

2. Her Mother Jen Harley Is a Businesswoman

Jen Harley, Ariana’s mother, is a noted businesswoman. She is also a brand ambassador for a famous fashion brand. Her career success and relationship with Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has also helped her acquire significant following on social media.

3. Ariana Sky Magro Has Puerto Rican and Italian Roots

Ariana with her mother and Step-father

Ariana boasts a diverse heritage — Puerto Rican and Italian. This rich background comes from her father’s side. It adds a unique cultural blend to her upbringing.

4. Ariana Was Born on April 3, 2018

Ariana Sky Magro entered the world on April 3, 2018. Her parents split up in May 2016, and on December 26, 2017, they officially announced their breakup. It should be noted here that Jen Harley and Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, her parents, never married.

5. Ariana’s Zodiac Sign is Aries

Ariana posing for the camera

Born in early April, Ariana’s zodiac sign is Aries. As an Aries child, she might embody spirited and energetic traits. This fire sign hints at her lively personality that we see on social media.

6. Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, Her Father, Holds Her Legal Custody

 Her father, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro, has legal custody of her. This decision was reached in 2022 after a tough legal battle with Jen Harley. Both parents, however, share moments with their daughter under structured agreements.

7. Ariana’s Primary Residence is with Her Father in California

Ariana and her father posing for the camera

Ariana lives with Ronnie Ortiz-Magro in California. This setup offers her stability and consistency. At the moment, her school and activities are all based in California.

8. She Spends Weekends with Her Mother Jen as Per Custody Arrangements

Every weekend, Ariana visits her mother, Jen Harley. They bond during these visits spending quality mother-daughter time. However, the custody agreement determines their time.

9. There are Substance Restrictions During Parents’ Custodial Time with Ariana Sky Magro

Ariana with her Parents

While with Ariana, both parents must avoid substances. It makes sense too! This basically ensures Ariana’s safety and well-being during visits.

10. Ariana Celebrated Her Fourth Birthday with a Frozen Theme

Ariana’s fourth birthday had a Frozen theme. The decor showcased her favorite characters. It was memorable and her birthday pictures were all over social media.

11. Ariana Visited Disney California Adventure Park with Her Father

Ariana and Ronnie in disneyland

Ariana had a magical day at Disney California Adventure Park. Her father made sure she experienced every bit of the magic. It was a day filled with laughter and joy.

12. Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Calls Ariana “A Blessing in His Life”

To Ronnie, Ariana is pure joy and happiness. Every moment with her is cherished. He constantly tells his audience about how blessed he is to have her.

13. Jen Harley Shared Co-parenting Insights in an Interview

Ariana and her mother enjoying

Jen opened up about co-parenting Ariana. “The journey has its challenges, but love remains central,” she said. Her insights offer an instant peek into what the couple has been through and how much they love their daughter.

14. In Case of Custody Disputes, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Makes the Final Call

While both parents share Ariana’s custody, disputes have a decider. Ronnie currently holds the final say. Technically because he has the primary custody — at least until Ariana Sky Magro is 18 years old.

15. Her Mother Jen is an Ambassador for Fashion Nova

Jen posing for the camera

Jen brings style into Ariana’s world. As a Fashion Nova ambassador, she’s all about trends. It’s a world of glitz and glamour. Maybe that’s also what awaits Ariana Sky Magro. Guess we’ll find out soon!

16. Ariana’s Life Beyond the Camera is Closely Followed by Fans

Though young, Ariana has a fan following. Her off-camera moments are as cherished as the on-camera ones. Fans love her candid, joyful snaps and videos.

17. Jen Harley, Her Mother, is Not Just a Businesswoman but also a Realtor

Ariana with her mother jen

Jen wears multiple hats with flair. Beyond business, she’s a successful realtor. She’s made notable sales!

18. Ariana’s Moments of Joy are Frequently Shared by Her Father on Social Media

Her dad loves showcasing Ariana’s happiest moments. From giggles to dance moves, social media sees it all. Fans adore her genuine, joyful spirit!

19. Ariana’s Parents’ Relationship Made Headlines on ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’

Ariana's Parents when they were together

Their love saga was a significant storyline. The highs and lows of their relationship caught viewers’ attention. It was a roller coaster of emotions and continued even after Ariana Sky Magro was born.

20. The Young Star’s Life is a Mix of Celebrity Glam and Everyday Joy

Ariana Sky Magro’s life is both sparkly and ordinary. One day it’s cameras and fans, the next it’s playground fun. The best part? She’s adored by both her parents despite their differences with each other.

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