Credit: @tomcruise
Say what you will about Tom Cruise. His religion might baffle many. His behavior might occasionally make a few brows raise. But there’s little you can say about Tom Cruise aging other than that he’s doing it so well. The man turned 60 on July 3, 2022, and he’s better than ever. What’s the secret to Tom Cruise Aging so well? Is it the life he is living?
Tom Cruise’s Surprising Upbringing
If you’re wondering if Tom Cruise aging as well as he does has anything to do with his upbringing, you might be surprised. He did not grow up in an affluent family. He didn’t have a particularly happy childhood, either. The cruise was born and raised in Syracuse, New York. His mother is Mary Lee, and his father is Thomas Cruise Mapother III (Tom Cruise is actually Thomas Cruise Mapother IV). Even though his father worked as an electrical engineer and his mother as a teacher, he’s described his childhood as near the poverty level. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that his parents were raising three daughters and a son.
His father was, as Cruise described him, not a very nice man. He’s called his father a bully. He’s called him a coward. His father moved the family around – a lot. They went from Syracuse to Canada when his father became part of the Canadian Armed Forces. In addition to growing up in a household with a father he’s accused of beating him, Tom Cruise also spent his 14 years of school attending a grand total of 15 different schools. It wasn’t an easy childhood for him, though he got to spend time focused on acting.

Credit: @tomcruise
Things Only Grew Worse for Cruise
Regarding Tom Cruise’s aging so well, you might imagine he lived a healthy lifestyle. You don’t have to grow up affluent or stationary in any one place to be healthy. However, you’d be mistaken. His mother left his father when he began his middle school career. It was goodbye to Canada and hello to the Midwest. Her mother remarried, his father died only six years later – he died of cancer – and Cruise chose to become a priest. However, Cruise was a drinker. He liked his booze, and he wanted to act. He was eventually kicked out of the seminary for his alcohol intake. He was also kicked off his high school football team during his senior year for alcohol consumption.
Tom Cruise Must Not Have Any Stress in His Life
If Tom Cruise’s aging well is due to anything, it must be the lack of stress in his life. After all, he’s a famous actor with a healthy income and some great kids, and he seems happy personally. What’s to stress about? Again, you’d be wrong. Even Tom Cruise faces stressful situations since moving on from his difficult early life. For one, he’s constantly hounded by the press. He’s been involved in many litigations and controversies and regularly worries about the negative things he says. For example, he’s filed lawsuits against many people and companies who tried to tell the world Tom Cruise is gay. He sued the Daily Express, a man by the name of Chad Slater, and Michael Davis of Bold Magazine each for claiming that the star is gay in some manner (including the Daily Express claiming he married Nicole Kidman to cover up his true sexuality). He’s also sued others for saying he does not see his kids. While there are many rumors he doesn’t see his kids regularly – he claims the long periods of time without visiting his kids are always work-related. The moral of the story is that Tom Cruise has stress, but his outward appearance is not struggling because of it.

Credit: @tomcruise
So, How Is Tom Cruise Aging So Well?
He’s a regular guy, just like everyone else. He went through a phase when he liked to drink. He lives with stress. He had tough times. However, it’s his diet that keeps him so youthful. According to Men’s Health, Tom Cruise is an active man. At the end of the day, being healthy and active are what helps you stay young and healthy. Cruise advocates a healthy diet that avoids carbs and is heavy on healthy menu items. Additionally, he’s an advocate for switching up his routine. He likes both strength work and cardio work, and he does both. He also loves to jog, hike, go rock climbing, spend some quality time on the treadmill, and he loves to kayak and box. He’s a huge fan of being active, and it shows.
At the end of the day, Tom Cruise’s aging well has everything to do with his mindset. He likes to eat well to fuel his body, and he likes to move his body. The simple truth is being active and healthy also helps your mind, and your mind is what helps you stay young. He’s got it all figured out.
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