The Five Best Characters Played By Andrew Garfield

The Five Best Characters Played By Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield has managed to grow and evolve as an actor in front of the entire world since his journey began back in the early 2000s. Whether he plays a teen who gains mysterious spider-like powers to a war hero who refuses to touch a gun, the actor has showcased his versatility in the past two decades of his career. This list will highlight the five best characters played by Garfield throughout his career. Let’s get started with the first name on this list.

Spider-Man/Peter Parker

I know that Andrew Garfield didn’t particularly start off as the first Peter Parker, but there’s no denying that the actor actually elevated the role and made The Amazing Spider-Man series watchable. This isn’t to say that the second incarnation of the comic book hero was terrible, but The Amazing Spider-Man just wasn’t on par with the original Sam Raimi films, nor is it better than the Jon Watts series. The story of Parker is nothing new, he’s raised by his Aunt May and is haunted by the death of Uncle Ben. Nerdy, but packed with sarcastic quips and charm, the Andrew Garfield version isn’t much different from his two counterparts, but the actor feels right at home playing the classic Marvel character. His chemistry with Gwen Stacy feels authentic and real, and his performance as the character feels natural to who Garfield really is.

Dennis Nash

Garfield has been in The Amazing Spider-Man and The Social Network at this point in his career; however, 99 Homes allowed the actor to truly flex his muscles as a leading man and the role of Dennis Nash is truly heartbreaking. A recently unemployed single father is striving to do right by getting his mother’s foreclosed home back and putting food on the table for his young son; however, his journey is far from a clean one. Nash is continuously put in difficult situations, forcing people out of their homes knowing that it could get intense or even violent at any moment. Garfield does an excellent job balancing the wave of emotions that the struggling father is going through. He knows what he’s doing is wrong. In fact, he understands the humiliation and shame of being kicked out of his own house. Remorse is always written all his face, but he manages to put on a brave front and stick to his convictions, no matter the cost. The fact that Nash is able to get a expensive six-figure home and it ends up with him being more miserable than ever is a strong cautionary tale that highlights the phase, money doesn’t buy you happiness.

Desmond Doss

A United States Army corporal who refused to touch a gun despite being in the thick of World War II. Doss is simply more than a movie character. This World War II hero has been awarded with the Bronze Star Medal twice for his actions in Guam and the Philippines and managed to save 75 men in the Battle of Okinawa. He became the only conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor for his actions during the war. What makes his character so fascinating is how his religious beliefs clash with the objectives of war, which the end goal is to kill men on a battlefield. Hacksaw Ridge doesn’t exactly do the greatest job of getting down into the reasoning behind his mindset, but we do understand that the incident regarding his father was the trigger point on why he refuses to touch a gun. However, surely that can’t be the only reason that sways him from ever touching the dangerous weapon. Nevertheless, the heroism of the good-natured kid is awe-inspiring and helps showcase that not everyone is out looking for blood once they step onto a war field. These men are ready to sacrifice their lives for the country and to see the different acts of kindness in the midst of a bloody war speaks volumes about many of their characters.

Jim Bakker

James Orsen Bakker, the American televangelist that managed to warm the hearts of Christians so they can donate their hard-earned funds is a special kind of con artist. The scandal that saw him and Tammy Faye charged with accounting fraud rocked the Christian nation, showcasing that a scam artist can come from all walks of life. It’s captivating to see how Tammy Faye is lured into Jim Bakker’s world and how the duo pulls off one of the biggest crimes to rock Christianity. Of course, Bakker and Faye are still humans getting into the thick of who they are as people and why they make the choices that they do. The Eyes of Tammy Faye doesn’t simply cast them as monsters as people have more than one layer surrounding them. This may not be Bakker’s story, but we do get into the psyche of the religious man and it’s definitely a compelling watch.

Jonathan Larson

Tick, Tick…Boom!taps into every artist who’s dabbled in the business of entertainment. Johnathan Larson feels as time is passing him by and since the artist is nearly the age of 30, he feels this sense of urgency of trying to achieve a dream based on the notion that he’ll be a failure if he doesn’t. Jon’s world is crumbling around him, but he’s so focused on his art that the struggles surrounding him are never an important factor. Larson is the classic crazed artist. He’s genuinely a good person with lofty ambitions that eat him on the inside. It’s a compelling watch to see how the Rent creator glides through life dealing with his work, family, and friends.Tick, Tick…Boom!

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