Questions Fans Need Answered in ‘The Boys’ Season 4

The Boys Season 4 is one of the most highly anticipated TV shows 2024. With a release window set for June 2024, fans are in for more gory and bloody scenes in this Prime Video series about villainous superheroes. The Boys Season 3 finale left a lot of questions for fans on whether Black Noir and Maeve were dead and what happened to Soldier Boy, a.k.a Homelander’s dad. So, this upcoming season will have its work cut out once it’s released. 

With a supe virus that could kill Homelander and Butcher having a few months to live after playing around with compound V, a lot is on the line for the good guys, too. It’s this, and other storylines may be concluded in Season 4 because this is how most things played out in the comics the show is based on. While there are rumors that The Boys will be getting a fifth season, here is everything that fans want to see in The Boys Season 4.

 1. Is Butcher Going to Die?


Fans are waiting with bated breath to see whether or not Butcher will die in The Boys Season 4. This ending is because, in Season 3, he severely abused Temporary V in hopes of using it to kill Homelander with the help of Soldier Boy. While for a moment it seemed like he would succeed in ridding the world of this supe, they failed, and Butcher has around six months to live. This ending to his story could be similar to the ending of the original The Boys comics. But viewers are still hopeful this will not be the last time fans see Butcher because, according to, The Boys Season 5 will begin filming in April 2024 to August 2024. 

2. Will Homelander Meet his End?

The Boys

Homelander is the villain that fans love to hate, and for good reason. He is terrifying and treats everyone horribly, so his death has been in the works for years. With the supe virus in the storyline now and Butcher’s determination to end this villain, The Boys Season 4 could finally be the time to kill Homelander. While things won’t play out as they did in the comics, Amazon studios will ensure that Homelander’s death is a spectacle. At least fans hope he will suffer first before leaving the world of the living.

3. What Will Happen to Ryan?

Butcher and Ryan

Ryan has gone through a lot in The Boys. From living a relatively quiet life with his mother to killing her by accident and now being taken under his father’s wing, he has been traumatized enough. While Butcher tried his best to keep his promise to Becca, and care for him, Homelander won that fight, and now has full custody of the young supe. In The Boys Season 4 trailer, Ryan is seen talking to a young girl before throwing a man and smashing his body into a wall. He’s also seen with Homelander on stage with the new supes, so he could have already switched sides to the bad guys without understanding what’s at stake. It will be great to see him help the Boys defeat Homelander, but because of his age, he might not be strong enough to survive going up against his father.

4. Victoria Neuman’s Demise

Gen V (2023) Congresswomen from the boys

One thing most fans are looking forward to is the fall of Victoria Neuman, aka the head-popping supe. For a long time, no one in the Boys’ team has been able to find out who was killing everyone by blowing up their heads until Hughie saw it for himself. Now that she is the running mate in the upcoming presidential race, she is getting too close to power, which could be dangerous for everybody. In Gen V, Neuman gets her hands on the supe-killing virus, so this upcoming season of The Boys could be filled with many surprises fans aren’t ready for. But with her possibly going head to head with Homelander for the top job in the country, she could have finally met her match in the evil supe. 

5. The New Supes in The Seven

new the seven heroes

The teaser trailer also revealed that two female supes joined the Seven. And while Starlight brought some problems into the group that are now leading to a civil war, these new additions to the team seem like Homelander handpicked them himself. Sister Sage and Firecracker are the latest additions to the team who didn’t appear in the comics, which isn’t surprising because the TV show has become a monster of its own making. These new supes make the show more unpredictable so it will be interesting to see what will happen with these new characters. These new supes are very dangerous so fans are expecting more supe fights, and considering Homelander almost died in the previous season, it’s understandable why he isn’t taking any chances with his backup.

6. Maeve and Black Noir’s Fate

The Boys

The Seven hasn’t been the same since Starlight joined the team. While Maeve’s fate is also unknown, according to showrunner Kripke on Deadline, the season won’t end before fans see Maeve again. In The Boys Season 3, Black Noir seemingly met his end, as if all of his insides being on the outside were any indication of his fate. But someone else could be wearing his costume in the teaser trailer for The Boys Season 4. Whether that is one of the kids from Gen V or it was just a flashback scene to better days will be revealed in the upcoming season. Here is what The Boys Season 4 trailer reveals about what fans can expect.

Watch The Boys Season 1-3 on Prime Video

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