credit: Marvel Comics
Those of us that have siblings know what it’s like to grow up with older and younger brothers and sisters that are either our best friends or are bound to be the bane of our existence now and then. Just imagine if your sibling has powers of some sort and how the difficulty they present would grow exponentially. In the Marvel Universe, there are many siblings that have had to deal with their own powers as well as those of their closest relatives, and sometimes it’s truly a sight to behold.
Some of the most super-powered siblings get along, but some don’t really see eye to eye that often and end up distancing themselves from each other for a good reason. One of those reasons is that if they do get into a spat with each other, their powers might emerge and make a general mess of the area, but there’s also the likelihood that one sibling is a little too powerful and is bound to take the life of the other. But when it comes to siblings, it’s usually seen that they’ll take things as far as they can and not go much further, at least on average.
Here are five of the worst siblings in the Marvel Universe.
5. Loki

credit: MCU
There was never any doubt that Loki belonged on this list since, after all the chances he’s been given and the fact that Odin and Frigga have tried to teach him how to be a decent person, Loki has always managed to stab everyone in the back, sometimes literally.
He does have his moments when he comes through and is capable of standing tall with his brother Thor and others, but it’s not that often, and his betrayals are often far more memorable since he picks his moments in a manner that makes him one of the ultimate opportunists in the MCU and in the comics. It’s tough to say where he comes off as worse, but just for fun, the comics do make him look like more of a villain.
4. Thanos

credit: MCU
Believe it or not, Thanos does have a good and altruistic side to him, but the problem is that it’s buried and tainted by what he thinks of as balance within the cosmos. But it would appear that Thanos has always been this way, more or less, as his brother Eros, aka Starfox, could attest.
During the Infinity Gauntlet series in the comics, it was seen that Thanos tortured Eros and Nebula both to appease Lady Death, which does tend to mean that Thanos doesn’t really care about the welfare of his brother, or anyone else for that matter. It’s fair to say that he’s one of the worst siblings ever, but since he doesn’t always go out of his way to punish Eros, it’s tough to call him the absolute worst.
3. Nebula

credit: MCU
Nebula does have a reason to be jealous of Gamora, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that Gamora wasn’t subjected to the punishments, tortures, and augmentation that Nebula was. Gamora was augmented, but she was treated more like a masterpiece than an experiment, and it’s still funny that Nebula sought to take out Gamora to please the same man that had brought her so much pain. The fact that she came in during Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 with guns blazing is enough evidence to prove that, for whatever reason, she hated Gamora more than Thanos, at least at that time.
2. Havok

credit: Marvel Comics
It’s been noted that Alex and his brother Scott, aka Cyclops, actually do get along from time to time. But for a long time, Havok has been rather impulsive and hasn’t wanted much to do with his brother. The fact that they can’t hurt each other with their powers is all well and good when they get into a fight, but it’s not so good for everyone else.
Alex has been the type that would rather fire first and ask about the intentions of his enemy later, but he has changed throughout his history in the comics. Still, when it comes to his brother Scott, there’s a percentage chance that he’s going to listen to Scott and a chance that he’s going to get into a heated argument with him.
1. Hela
credit: MCUImagine getting into a fight with your sister and being able to nearly wreck an entire realm before it was over. In all fairness, Surtur did deal the final blow to Asgard, but Hela was doing a number on the place as well, as was Thor before the fire giant killed off the world. But Hela is without a doubt one of the worst siblings since while she did explain why their father exiled her, there was no way one was bound to believe that she might want to sit down and talk about it for a moment. Nope, instead, she wanted to annihilate anyone that didn’t do what she wanted, and she achieved that to some degree since she took out a good deal of Asgard’s population on her own.
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