10 Things You Didn’t Know about Stefana Avara

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Stefana Avara

When Stefana Avara was growing up, she didn’t know she’d become one of the most successful online influencers of her time. She didn’t know she’d be recognized by major corporations or that she’d inspire millions of young women. She just liked to do workouts that made her feel good about herself, and she liked to share what worked for her online. With that came so much more, and now she’s one of TikTok’s most famous fitness influencers. But, who else is she? Let’s find out more.

1. She is Young

She’s so young that many people are shocked. She’s only 22. She has been taking care of herself for some time, though, and it’s something she cares about a lot. While we don’t know her specific date of birth, we do know that she’s in the prime of her life as a young 20-something.

2. She’s Into Fitness

Her entire focus in life and in her career is fitness. She knows that being fit means being healthy and being healthy means living your best life. If you are not taking care of yourself, you are not living your best life. You have to be healthy and strong to be happy, and she is aware of this.

3. She is a College Graduate

She is a college grad, and a recent one at that. She attended courses at Ohio University, and she graduated with a degree in Sports Management. It’s a good degree for her, too, since she is into the fitness world. She has a lot of open doors to walk through with that specific degree.

4. She is Passionate

Her passion is in her fitness. She’s not just someone who is doing this for the income. She’s doing this because she believes in being your best self. She believes in being healthy, and he believes in helping others find their strengths in their bodies.

5. She Believes in Body Positivity

Body positivity is a struggle even for those of us who work out, eat well, and know we look good. Most days are easy to be positive about our bodies, but there are always difficult days. Her goal and her passion is to make sure that everyone is positive about their body even on days they don’t feel like they are their best selves.

6. She is Popular

She’s so popular online that she is amazed by it. Not only is she amazed by it, she’s been recognized. She’s been recognized by companies such as Business Insider and more. Business Insider called her the 25th of 28 ‘most popular fitness influencers on TikTok,’ which is huge. There are so many people doing this on TikTok that being noticed is massive.

7. She Just Wanted a Place to Share

Her entire process was a simple one. She did not go online to become famous. She went online so she could find a place to share her workouts. She was filming herself working out, and she needed a place to post her videos. The rest is kind of history at this point.

8. She Felt Bad

Her idea of posting workouts was simple. She posted the ones that made her feel good about herself, and she moved on from that. She was happy to do it, and it made her feel really strong. However, she felt bad when girls would send her private messages asking how they could lose weight, and that’s when she realized that there are so many ‘perfect’ bodies online that those who don’t have perfect bodies were feeling horrible about their own bodies and comparing themselves to heavily edited, photoshopped, and manipulated photos.

9. She Has a Line

She’s now the official name behind Defining Active, which is an activewear line she’s created. She wants the people wearing her designs to feel comfortable, and cool, and to be able to work out, run errands, or live their lives in her clothing. She’s so excited about the changes she’s made, and she is doing well with this.

10. She is Working on her MBA

She graduated from college in 2020, but she’s still there. She is working on her Master’s Degree, and she is excited to do that. She hopes to finish that degree sometime in 2023. Her degree path right now is a dual path, which is why it’s taking a little longer. She’s working on her MBA/MSA at the same time. She’s a woman who is doing big things, and she is proud of that.

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