credit: The Flash
Is anyone else getting tired of hearing about Ezra Miller and their behavior? Apparently not, since once again, they’re lighting up the newsfeeds with another hint at why they’re considered to be one of the most problematic stars in the business at this time. One could almost hope that at some point, Warner Bros. would get tired of the drama that Miller continues to create, but perhaps the idea that bad publicity is still publicity is what the studio is thinking. There are plenty of articles out there attempting to explain why Miller is acting the way they are and even why it’s not their fault. But seriously, it feels as though Miller might need a padded room at some point if the upcoming movie, The Flash, is going to affect their mindset in such a way as to think that they’re so uniquely important to the DCEU. Maybe there are a few wires being crossed when it comes to the message that Miller is sending, but at this point, it simply feels that the actor needs to step back and remember that the world doesn’t revolve around them, either in real life or in the DCEU.

credit: The Justice League
In all honesty, the Flash does have a lot to do with things changing in the DCEU.
It’s fair to state that Barry Allen, aka the Flash, does have a lot to do with why things are going to be changing in the DCEU, but thinking that this makes them the most important character is the type of arrogance that makes people think they can do anything because they’re the most important part of any given world. In the real world, Ezra is, well, kind of an annoyance that is still held up as a worthwhile star by the way too many fans that are willing to let just about anything go when it comes to behavior. Too many people are willing to give Miller a pass when it comes to his behavior, much as they are many other actors, citing that it’s ‘not their fault’ because society has made them this way. In other words, there’s no choice but to be a general nuisance when they feel like it.
Society does contribute to the double standard that celebrities are given at times.
It’s true that society is responsible in part for the way that actors behave at times since there are plenty of moments that can be identified when people either support suspect behavior by giving celebrities a pass, citing that it’s not their fault for reacting to paparazzi, rabid fans, and situations that affect them in one way or another. They’re human, it’s understandable, but the idea that they don’t need to take responsibility for their own choices, behaviors, and attitudes is a bit ridiculous since, like it or not, the rest of the world has to do this on a daily basis. Perhaps Miller needs professional help, and perhaps they’re not meant to be a celebrity, but at this point, it feels as though Warner Bros. should have shown Miller the door, even if it was with an option to come back when he’d adjusted his behavior.

credit: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Not holding actors accountable for their actions tends to build a great deal of resentment.
There are already a lot of people who don’t see celebrities as anything other than pampered, overpaid children that get to do whatever they want. The truth of this is that actors do have their own issues to deal with and that more than a few of them are well-adjusted individuals that know how to treat those around them with respect and dignity. What too many celebrities appear to forget at times is that without their fans, they don’t have a purpose since an empty theater doesn’t bring any money. Sadly, this is a lesson they’ll probably never get since there are too many people who will shrug their shoulders and disregard any and all ill behavior with the idea that it’s not their business and all they have to do is enjoy the movies that feature these ill-behaved individuals. Unfortunately, without any accountability, those who feel the need to keep acting out in one manner or another aren’t likely to stop unless they feel the need.
The downside of this is that Miller is likely to get another slap on the wrist before going right back to work.
Plenty of people would roll their eyes and state that ‘celebrities are held to a different standard,’ and they’d be right. But the acceptance of this is a bit ridiculous since it indicates that if one is rich and famous, there’s no need to follow the same rules that others do. More than that is the fact that there won’t be any consequences for breaking said rules, which could contribute to a messiah complex, I suppose.
Maybe it’s time to remind Miller that they’re human and remind them that they don’t get to behave like an ill-tempered child.
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