Credit: Netflix/Ozark
Ozark, much like Stranger Things, has had a unique element to it that separated itself from other dramas not only on Netflix but on modern television and streaming services in general. Unlike the supernatural elements present in Stranger Things, Ozark had a much more grounded and natural darkness to it, tied up in the back ends of illegal money laundering. However, with any show, when the ending has come or announced, and fans aren’t entirely satisfied, they want more from the show, such as additional episodes, seasons, or even a movie. Ozark has been an incredible show, so while it makes sense for fans to be hoping for more of the show to be created, the likeliness may not be as high as they may hope. Below we’ve detailed Ozark, but most importantly, the final moments of the show and the likeliness of Ozark Season 5 on Netflix.

Credit: Credit: Netflix/Ozark
Ozark started on Netflix in 2017 when the first season was released in July, and the second season was released the next year. Still, due to the pandemic of COVID, Ozark Season 3 was released two years after Season 2 with a release date of March 2020, while Season 4 Part 1 was also released two years after that. However, Ozark Season 4 Part 2 premiered three months after Ozark Season 4 Part 1. Ozark started immediately with the Byrd family, portrayed by Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, Sofia Hubitz, Skylar Gaertner, and Julia Garner as a local named Ruth that has become part of the Byrd family’s illegal enterprises. While the Byrds, and Ruth, were laundering money, it wasn’t their money to do so with, as Marty was tasked with moving 500 million dollars over five years in the Ozarks after his Mexican drug cartel bosses killed his business partner and his family. Throughout the show, we see the entire family and operation fall deeper into debt with not only the Mexican drug cartel that they are working under but also the FBI and others with money all over the place, which included the acquisition of a Casino on the water. However, Season 5 of Ozark, for its lack of existence, can’t be compared to the others, as the closest thing to such a new season was the additional show called “A Farewell to Ozark,” which we’ve detailed below.

Credit: Netflix/Ozark
Ozark Season 4
While the seasons of Ozark before Season 4 were crazy in their way, when Ozark Season 4 was announced, it was announced to not only be the final season of Ozark but also would premiere in two different parts, so if fans were hopeful for a Season 5 of Ozark, they might want to wait for two parts again versus one part that contained less than fourteen episodes. Ultimately this extended the final season’s run as each previous season was ten episodes and each Season 4 part was seven episodes each, to a total of 14 episodes for the entirety of Ozark Season 4. Ozark Season 1 to Season 3 featured the family slowly falling deeper into the Mexican drug cartel. At the same time, they fooled themselves into thinking it was inching closer to being over with, and Season 4 featured the full-on need for survival with the Byrd family. As stated above, Ozark Season 4 was split into two parts, Ozark Season 4 Part 1 and Ozark Season 4 Part 2, and while they premiered within the same year, the overall tone of those two parts was surprisingly different. Each Ozark season has had its theme of darkness that the Byrds were trying to escape, but throughout the finals season, even when an escape was handed to them, Marty chose a route that he thought was the most beneficial for his family. With the darkness that came with each part of Ozark Season 4, the show led fans on a several-month-long fear that a car crash had killed the Byrd family, after everything else we’ve seen them avoid and survive.

Credit: Netflix/Ozark
Ozark Season 5
While fans have been hopeful and begging for a Season 5 of Ozark, the series has unfortunately come to a confirmed close, unless another project gets created at some point, but that has remained unlikely. To ensure fans that Ozark was done after Season 4, an aftershow was added to Netflix along with Ozark Season 5 titled “A Farewell to Ozark,” that went behind the scenes of not only Ozark as a whole but the final season and the feelings and ever-lasting impressions left on the cast from their time together on Ozark. It also wasn’t just the average viewers of Ozark that were hardcore fans of the American crime drama, as the series has been nominated for over 30 awards, including wins from Jason Bateman for directing and Julia Gardner for supporting actress.
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