Top 6 Sci-Fi TV Shows Like Star Trek

The original Star Trek series was undoubtedly the first of its kind, a show that dared to “boldly go where no man has gone before.” And the world instantly fell in love with Captain Kirk and his crew as they went from one adventure to another. Today, Star Trek has evolved into a franchise that has gone on for over 50 years, spanning over 900 episodes and 13 movies.  

But when you have a genre-defining show like Star Trek, it’s never enough. So if you’ve binged through all of it and still find yourself craving some more intergalactic adventures, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are six sci-fi TV shows like Star Trek that will certainly help you scratch that itch:

1. The Orville

Cast of The Orville

As Star Trek went on, it began to shift its focus, leaning more into the action and visual spectacle like Star Wars. That’s why, In 2017, Seth MacFarlane released The Orville as his love letter to the golden days of Star Trek. It’s a beautiful homage with loads of references to classic Star Trek to look out for. What sets The Orville apart is its crew — it’s a goofy set of characters with an edgier sense of humor that’s far from the prim and proper characters of Star Trek. Almost every cast member has a background in comedy, and it shines through in the show’s laid-back comedic backdrop.

Watch The Orville on Disney Plus

2. Babylon 5

Babylon 5 Picture

Babylon 5 is a space opera that’s more focused on politics and diplomacy. It’s a bit like if the Enterprise had a permanent posting at Deep Space Nine. So, if you’re a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fan, you’ll probably love Babylon 5. The crew of Babylon 5 is also far from the perfect altruists we see in Star Trek. They’re flawed, imperfect, and they often butt heads. And the tech in Babylon 5 isn’t a magical fix-all solution like in Star Trek; it’s more primitive, used as a tool as part of a larger solution rather than serving as the band-aid for every problem.

Watch Babylon 5 on Roku

3. Firefly

Firefly Show

If Star Trek was a Western, it would be Firefly. Directed by Joss Whedon, Firefly is set 500 years into the future, where, after a universal civil war, a bunch of ragtag misfits aboard a small spaceship will take any job as long as it puts food on the table. You can follow it up with Serenity, a movie set in the Firefly universe, which wraps up the plot points left hanging in the show. And because the story just spans a single season and a movie, Firefly is the perfect show if you’re looking to quickly binge a sci-fi TV show like Star Trek.

Watch Firefly on Hulu

4. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4

Set in the CW Arrowverse, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow takes characters that are part of a larger universe and puts them aboard the Waverider, the show’s very own version of the Enterprise. The difference is that while the Star Trek crew usually visits new planets, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow explores new timelines, with the heroes trying to fix history. The show finds fun ways of throwing references to iconic historical and pop culture moments. In Season 5, Episode 14, “The One Where We’re Trapped on TV,” the show even did a one-to-one parody of Star Trek, with its characters trapped in a fake sci-fi TV show called “Star Trip.”

Watch DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on Max

5. Battlestar Galactica 

Top 6 Sci-Fi TV Shows Like Star Trek

If you’re into Star Trek, you’ve probably heard of Battlestar Galactica. Both the original and the reboot are centered around a spaceship called Battlestar Galactica, leading the fleet carrying the last surviving humans in the universe. Unlike Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica isn’t about exploring space; it’s about surviving it. It’s gritty, intense, and all about making it through one day at a time. The big bad species of the show are called Cylons, reminiscent of the Borg from Star Trek, and they want to destroy humanity. They’re even scarier in the reboot because they can shapeshift into humans! 

Watch Battlestar Galactica on Prime Video

6. Farscape 

Farscape cast

Farscape follows a NASA astronaut as he finds himself aboard a living spaceship called Moya. He finds a new home and friends on the spaceship as they fight to escape a fascist military organization called the Peacekeepers. What makes Farscape special is the side characters. Almost every character has an extremely well-fleshed-out storyline. In fact, it’s so good that it served as one of the biggest inspirations for James Gunn’s  Guardians of the Galaxy.

Watch Farscape on Pluto TV

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