10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ray Livingston

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Ray Livingston

Modern technology has afforded us so many comforts that are a major part of most of our daily lives. Most people couldn’t imagine giving those things up and opting to live life in the wilderness. However, for Ray Livingston, living off of the land is exactly what he wants. The skilled survivalist who is very passionate about life in the outdoors. That passion has officially given him the chance to become a reality TV star thanks to the show Mud, Sweat and Beards. In the series, Ray and fellow survivalist Donny Dust put their talents to good use as they try to turn an uninhabited part of the wilderness into something much more. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about Ray Livingston.

1. He’s From Oregon

These days, Washington is the place that Ray calls home but he is originally from Oregon. He spent much of his early childhood in Portland, however, he and his family moved to a more rural part of the state when he was in middle school. There’s no doubt that the beauty of the pacific northwest was instrumental in allowing him to fall in love with nature.

2. He Loved Nature Since Childhood

Ray didn’t become a survivalist until he was well into adulthood, but his love for the outdoors started long before that. In a Facebook post, Ray wrote, “I love being out in nature; I have since I was a young child. As an urban, then suburban youth, I was never able to fully understand why I just felt better in the forest.”

3. He Has A YouTube Channel

Ray isn’t just passionate about using his survival skills in his own life, but he also enjoys sharing his knowledge with others. One of the ways he likes to do that is through his YouTube channel. Although he only has 655 subscribers, his videos have gotten more than 24,000 total views.

4. He Was A College Athlete

Although Ray has always loved the outdoors, it was sports that had his attention when he was younger. He attended the University of Oregon where he majored in English and was a star on the track team. Not only was he an All-American, but he also competed on three USA track teams. Unfortunately, however, he suffered an injury in his senior year.

5. He’s All About Positivity

Like most people, Ray has suffered through some ups and downs over the years. While it would’ve been easy for him to adopt a negative outlook he’s never allowed himself to do that. Instead, he does his best to maintain a positive attitude and he is committed to spreading kindness to everyone he comes on in contact with.

6. He’s A Father

In general, Ray has chosen to stay pretty private when it comes to his personal life. However, something he’s revealed in interviews is that he’s been married in the past and has children. Outside of that, though, there doesn’t seem to be any information on his ex-wife or his children.

7. He’s All About Chasing Dreams

There are many people who are afraid to go after the things they really want in life, but Ray believes that it’s important not to give up on your dreams. During an interview with Filson, Ray said, “We put barriers up and we tell ourselves there is no way we can live our dreams. However, the truth of the matter is, we can do anything we set our hearts to. We only need to make a choice and put our thoughts and energy into realizing the lives we want for ourselves. If we do that, anything is possible”.

8. Mud, Sweat and Beards Isn’t His First TV Show

Some people out there may find Ray’s face familiar, and that’s because he’s been on TV before. In 2019, he and his Mud, Sweat and Beards co-star were both contestants on the History Channel series Alone. Now that he’s officially part of the entertainment industry, he may decide to take on some other on-screen opportunities.

9. He’s A Spiritual Person

Ray’s love for nature is far deeper than many people realize. For him, nature is synonymous with the spiritual world. In a Facebook post, Ray said, “So, what is the connection, between survival and our spirituality? For me, they are one in the same. I fully believe that if the land does not want someone somewhere, the land will hide its treasures. They can still be found, but it will be much harder to find them. For the ones that walks in alignment and in harmony with the natural world, the natural world will provide all that’s needed for survival.”

10. He’s Active On Social Media

Due to his lifestyle, some people may assume that Ray isn’t into technology. However, that isn’t exactly true. He is actually an active social media user who has accounts on multiple platforms. His social media content is heavily focused on his work as a survivalist and he doesn’t post much about his personal life.

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