credit: Reservoir Dogs
There’s been a lot of buzz around Quentin Tarantino’s final movie, though when it’s coming and what it’s going to be about is unknown at this time. One thing that’s easy to assume, though, is that when it does release, or even when it’s announced, people are going to think that it’s the best thing that he’s ever come up with. At the very least, Tarantino’s fans will end up stating that whatever it is will be great, even if the movie ends up flopping at the box office. It’s petty to hope that it will flop, but there are arguments that explain why his retirement after so few movies is kind of a joke, especially since the fact that many would stand up and argue over the efficiency and popularity of his movies has never been in question. People who love or at least admire Tarantino’s movies are often bound to say anything to make it clear that any and all arguments against his work are to be discarded and regarded as less than sensible since in their minds, Tarantino can do no wrong.

credit: Django
If the movie flops, people will still think he went out on top.
After the reputation that Tarantino has been given, not necessarily earned with every step, it does feel that there are people who are completely gung-ho when it comes to defending his name and his work, and there are plenty who will deny what critics say when it comes to his movies. At this time, it feels as though his movies might as well have been dipped in gold and deemed priceless artifacts that have enlightened cinema in a way that will never happen again. Of course, that’s from the perspective of the diehard fans, which means that if his final movie does flop, they’ll deny it to the end. Poor box office numbers don’t necessarily mean that a movie is horrible after all since there are plenty of cult classics out there that can be used as examples. The downside of this line of thinking is that the ‘genius’ that Tarantino has been said to possess for so long isn’t much greater than many other directors that have entertained the masses.
His lack of flops makes him less of a genius since he hasn’t had to dig his way out of a hole.
It’s easier to trust in someone who has made one mistake or another in life since they tend to know how to turn things around and make a failure work when it comes to the overall experience it grants. If we’re working on the assumption that Tarantino hasn’t made a true flop yet, then it’s tough to trust his expertise since he hasn’t had to work his way from the bottom yet, apart from making his initial splash into the movie industry. Some might even go so far as to argue that he knows exactly how to dig himself out of a hole, while others might show better sense and admit that due to his need to only release quality movies, he hasn’t had to face a hostile crowd that refuses to like his movies. In other words, he hasn’t tripped and fallen on his face as a director at this point, and it would be easier to appreciate his efforts had he been forced to recover from making a horrible movie.

credit: Pulp Fiction
It doesn’t feel as though he’ll be able to stay away.
It does feel as though there’s more to the reason why he hasn’t made his final movie yet, but thinking that he’ll be able to stay away is kind of tough since it sounds as though Tarantino actually cares about what he does for a while now. If there’s anything that might keep him away from filmmaking, though, it could be that he doesn’t have a lot of regard for the direction that Hollywood has been moving over the years and has voiced his disdain for the comic book genre that many have embraced so readily over the years. Whether or not he can stay away, though, and find something else to take up his time is a question that will need to be posed once he finally releases his final movie.
This subject doesn’t really need this much attention.
Seriously, this subject has been ongoing for a while now, and yet people still feel the need to bring it up now and then as though to remind us all that Tarantino is going to retire eventually. True, this article, among many others, is a hypocritical way to make that point even clearer. But unlike many others, this one is going to end with the idea that once he’s gone, Tarantino will be remembered, but that’s about where the subject will end.
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