The Five Most Cringeworthy TV Shows Ever
Cringe comedy is something of an art form, being able to make your audience as uncomfortable as possible while simultaneously laughing is no easy task. Over t
Cringe comedy is something of an art form, being able to make your audience as uncomfortable as possible while simultaneously laughing is no easy task. Over t
”Perishable” is without doubt one of the most nerve wrecking episodes of Teen Wolf because you didn’t know if everyone was going to make it out al
American Horror Story will be back for a fourth season later this year. This season will be set in Florida during the 1950’s and take place at a circus
The recent renewal of The Leftovers was certainly a relief. Just knowing that we’re guaranteed at least another season makes watching it a little easi
Can you believe there’s only one more True Blood episode left forever? This show has had its ups and downs, but I will miss it nonetheless. Penultimat
“Sassenach” As most of you probably know, Outlander was based the Outlander series of books by author Diana Gabaldon. They deal with a time-travel
There are two stories playing out in The Knick. The main story, or surface story, is the one in which Clive Owen’s Thackery is a righteous hero. Thacker
Here at TVOvermind, we have given you lists of the most recognizable TV theme songs from both the 1980s and the 1990s. Now, we step into the modern age and ta
I believe that instead of having this episode of Extant named “Nightmares,” it could instead be named “Creepy Circle Symbol” because that’s bas