Pretty Little Liars 5.11 Review: “No One Here Can Love or Understand Me”

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Pretty Little Liars has decided to give us a little respite before the big “Fatal Finale” next week when Someone. Will. Die. Here’s hoping that the ramifications of this death are far-reaching, not downnplayed or forgotten when the season resumes.

Hanna confronts Caleb about his excessive drinking. When that doesn’t work, Hanna enlists Spencer and Toby to stage an intervention for Caleb. Caleb is understandably upset as he has said that he has given up daytime drinking. I think that’s a pretty big step towards his recovery from his sudden two week bout with alcoholism. I’m being completely sarcastic here, the show hasn’t really shown the destructive effects that alcohol has bestowed upon him. I would be more invested in this if we had seen Caleb’s dependence on alcohol progress through the episodes.

Caleb eventually lets Hanna in on what has him so messed up. It’s Ravenswood, the canceled TV series and that creepy town that the Liars roamed and first came into contact with the very much alive Allison. But back to Caleb. He tries to convey what he experienced and that includes something about fireflies, Ouija boards, and dead people haunting him in his dreams. I couldn’t understand while actually watching Ravenswood and I certainly don’t understand now. But Caleb gets it all out so I’m going to assume his bout with alcoholism is over not to be mentioned again…unless it’s used as a plot point in the seventh episode of the sixth season. Prove me wrong show.

Surprisingly, Aria wasn’t slumming it with Ezra, this week it was Emily. Granted she had a legitimate question about a photograph that showed Ali and Cyrus together. She needed to know when and where the photo was taken and Ezra came through. The girls now know that Ali was personally acquainted with the guy who falsely confessed to kidnapping her.

The girls are finally coming to their senses! Spencer and Emily proceed to ignore Ali’s phone calls and all of them are basically in agreement that they can’t trust Ali any longer. Emily even has a slip of the tongue and accidentally refers to Ali as “A.” I don’t know what that means, but I like it.

Aria is still wary of Mona dating her brother, Mike. They have a talk where Mona gives some sound advice, telling Aria that after Ali is through hurting everyone else, Aria and the girls will be next. Points to Mona, I think she’s being sincere. And I’ll even be generous and attribute this week’s episode title “No One Here Can Love or Understand Me” to Mona and her, I guess feelings (if she has any left). But still the girl tortured the Liars incessantly and now wants to be a part of Aria’s life indirectly and Aria’s supposed to be fine with it? I’m on Aria’s team for this one.

So Melissa left for London rather abruptly last episode but we did get a glimpse of her making a video recording intended for Spencer. On this recording Melissa admits to burying Bethany Young alive, only because she thought that Spencer had killed Ali, so Melissa wanted to protect Spencer and cover it up. This brings up an interesting question; in the flashback we see Melissa dumping a blonde girl wearing a yellow shirt into the ground and shoveling dirt on to her. Melissa mistook Bethany for Ali…because the girls were wearing the same outfit! All I can ask is why?

Everybody’s favorite Lieutenant Tanner has a quite a presence this week. She pops up to question the girls, sans Ali, to see if they perhaps know who killed Bethany. Then she hops over to Aria’s house and has a little talk with Mr. Montgomery and tells him that she has found someone ready to tell the truth.
The episode ends with the girls trying to figure out who would talk to the police and come up with Ali’s name again.

Next week is the summer finale. I mistakenly wrote last week that this episode would be the finale, and I’m so happy that I was wrong. The episode was entertaining and I always love when we get answers but it didn’t have that sense of urgency that Pretty Little Liars’ finales usually have.

[Photo via ABC Family]

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