Donald Trump Breaks Silence on Oscars: It’s All About Him

Donald Trump Breaks Silence on Oscars:  It’s All About Him

It isn’t clear whether or not Donald Trump watched the Oscars but that doesn’t really matter.  In the end he made it all about him.  And of course his silence wasn’t broken to any legitimate media outlets, nor did he register a tweet when talking about the award for best picture flub.  His comment was made to none other than Breitbart news.  Here’s what he said.

“I think they were focused so hard on politics that they didn’t get the act together at the end,” Trump told Breitbart. “It was a little sad. It took away from the glamour of the Oscars. It didn’t feel like a very glamorous evening. I’ve been to the Oscars. There was something very special missing, and then to end that way was sad.”

When you get down to it, was it sad?  This is probably the most popular post Oscars day of all-time.  The right award went into the right hands.  Price Waterhouse Coopers is probably now fired.  Steve Harvey got to make a joke.  We’re all making jokes.  I actually consider this to be a win and wouldn’t at all be surprised if this were completely on purpose.  There are plenty of conspiracies out there and this one wouldn’t seem to far fetched.

While Trump did have it right in that the night focused on a lot of Trump bashing, what do you expect?  Like I said yesterday it would have been a much cooler move if the entire Oscars were blacked out and celebrities held a national protest somewhere while inviting the public to join them.

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