Discovering MyKayla Skinner: 10 Fascinating Facts About the Olympic Gymnast

Discovering MyKayla Skinner: 10 Fascinating Facts About the Olympic Gymnast

Discovering MyKayla Skinner: 10 Fascinating Facts About the Olympic Gymnast

The Olympics represent the pinnacle of achievement for many athletes, and gymnast MyKayla Skinner was no exception. When she made the United States team for the 2020 Olympics, her dream finally came true. However, her Olympic journey was cut short after just one day when she failed to qualify for a final event. Despite this setback, MyKayla has achieved more than most athletes could ever dream of. Let’s delve into 10 lesser-known facts about this talented gymnast.

1. Arizona Roots

MyKayla was born and raised in Arizona, where she comes from a close-knit family with a gymnastics background. Both of her sisters were gymnasts, and they played a significant role in inspiring her to pursue the sport.

2. YouTube Sensation

While her Olympic career may have ended, MyKayla has found success as a content creator on YouTube. She started her channel several years ago, and it has since amassed 105,000 subscribers and over 11 million views.

3. Overcoming COVID-19

MyKayla is among the countless people worldwide who have been personally affected by COVID-19. In January 2021, she was hospitalized due to complications from COVID-19 related pneumonia. The virus threatened her career, prompting her to withdraw from the 2021 Winter Cup.

4. Happily Married

MyKayla may be young, but she knew she had found her soulmate in Jonas Harmer. The couple got engaged in the fall of 2016 and tied the knot the following month. Jonas is undoubtedly her biggest supporter.

5. A Philanthropic Spirit

MyKayla has used her platform to help those in need, working with the charity organization Feed My Starving Children. The organization focuses on nourishing children both physically and spiritually.

6. A Passion for Fashion

Although most people have only seen MyKayla in her gymnastics leotards, she loves expressing herself through fashion when she’s not on the mat. She has a knack for putting together the perfect outfit for any occasion and enjoys sharing her favorite looks with her followers.

7. No Return to Collegiate Competition

After high school, gymnasts typically fall into two categories: elite and collegiate. MyKayla competed on the University of Utah’s team for three seasons but decided that she will not return to the team after the Olympics. However, she plans to complete her degree.

8. An Outdoor Enthusiast

Despite spending most of her life training in a gym, MyKayla enjoys spending her free time outdoors, appreciating nature’s beauty. Some of her favorite activities include going for walks and relaxing by the water.

9. Confronting Anxiety

Physical fitness is crucial for a gymnast, but mental health is equally important. Throughout her career, MyKayla has faced numerous mental challenges, including the anxiety that comes with performing at such a high level. She has worked diligently to ensure she takes care of her mental well-being.

10. A Loving Pet Parent

MyKayla and her husband may not have children, but they have started a small family by adopting a Bengal cat named Blue in 2020. Although Blue doesn’t have her own social media account, MyKayla has dedicated an entire highlight section on her Instagram profile to her adorable fur baby. While she’s clearly a cat person, MyKayla also has a soft spot for dogs.

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