What We Learned from the Shadowhunters Season 3 Premiere

What We Learned from the Shadowhunters Season 3 Premiere

Those that watch the popular show Shadowhunters and have been awaiting the start of season three were no doubt ready to see Clary get her next rune and perhaps even clapped along a bit when it was bestowed upon her. As those who have been watching the show can attest to she’s already done so much that this final rune was something that had been expected for a while and was long overdue. But in defeating one of their greatest enemies she finally drew the curtain on something that should have happened quite a while ago. Becoming a fully-fledged Shadowhunter she has finally taken her place among the ranks. But as you might have guessed, there’s not a lot of time for a Shadowhunter to rest, and season 3 wasn’t about to just sit back and allow any of the cast to enjoy the moment for that long.

Enter Lilith, the new big bad and the mother of all demons that’s set to put a serious damper on the festivities and make Clary’s first run as a Shadowhunter something truly memorable. The idea of her being loose in New York to literally unleash hell is something that simply begs the question of how the Shadowhunters are going to go about containing and defeating her. Of course given that she’s this powerful and can likely call upon legions of creatures to do her bidding it’s hard to think that even the Shadowhunters wouldn’t have some serious problems. The very image of Lilith setting a demon upon a poor unsuspecting doctor and having it turn him into one of its own kind, in a very sick manner no less, brings to mind the immutable fact that Lilith is no joke. Even those imbued with angelic power are going to have a hard time facing up to a woman to whom power is little more than a tool next to the madness and ambition that drives her.

In other news given by the premier however Jace is having a few issues such as this pesky double dream that has Jonathan rising from the dead and Clary being killed as well. That’s enough nightmare fuel to trouble anyone, but Jace’s own predicament of being raised from the grave is something he’s still struggling with as well. On another note Magnus has admitted to Alec that he’s still not too happy about his dismissal from the position of High Warlock in Brooklyn, and has expressed his very real opinion about Alec taking up a position in Idris. “I know it’s selfish, but it’s the truth” is something you would kind of expect Magnus to say, but it doesn’t make it any better or any easier on Alec really. It’s an attempt at honesty at least though.

So far the premier of Shadowhunters has shown that the program is going off in a very dark direction in many regards, but if you’ve been watching the show for a while then you already know that this is what they do, and that things will get figured out somehow with the proper application of force.

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